After years of scratching out a meager living on the rocky slopes of a mountain in his native country. Juan has packed his sh*t and headed toward the northern promised land of Donald Trump. The indigenous ’Montezuma Beetle’ was the final straw. Apparently, the citizens of ’Juan Land’ , after battling the horrific effects of the Montezuma Beetle for thousands of years have yet to discover insecticides. Insecticides that would snuff out the carriers of rampant political corruption, Keynesian if not outright Marxist socialism, and banana republic dictators. Yes Juan and thousands more are fleeing north to escape a monster of their own making. Unlike the patriots on the greens at Lexington and Concord they turn and run at the mere sight of Brown Bess and Redcoat. In fact, they are cowards in their own land. And who see the USA as a mother hen who will spread her wings over the brood and provide them with safety and sustenance. But what Juan and his band have yet to grasp is that Trump Land has created a massive quarantine zone across it’s southern border and will no longer grant entry to those infected with the Montezuma Beetle. Sorry Juan, but hit the road Jack and don’t come back no more.
In today’s world of Robert Mueller, the rack and other medieval torture devices are no longer needed for a witness to test-a-lie (testify). Apparently, all that is necessary is a forgotten 5 year old email. The victim of this state inquisition is then forced to admit to a lie that fit’s the state’s narrative of events or face years in the castle’s dungeon. This modern day version of the rack is taking far too long. The soaring cost is out of control. So let’s just give Robert Mueller, the title of High Inquisitor and the rack that goes with it and be done with this modern day witch hunt. #MAGA
As Democrats move farther and farther to the left, many in the new Democrat Party are warmly embracing those who openly spout anti-Semitic views and hatred of the State of Israel. I would submit that the radical left has co-opted the view of ’White Nationalist’ when it comes to their position on the very exictance of the Jewish State. Let’s face it, anti-Semitism has taken deep root in the Democratic Party and unfortunately the ground there is fertile and seemingly eagar to reap the fruit of this unholy seed. Suppose their never heard to old Biblical saying, “you reap what you sow”. This unholy alliance between Islam and the Democrats against Jews and the State of Israel, will not end well. And in the end, the left will reap the whirlwind. #MAGA
Recently a California congressman, believe his name is Eric Swalwell, more or less said in a tweet that “they have guns and we have nukes”! Was he implying that once they have complete control of the government, they would use the full power of their omnificent state to take away all guns from private citizens? Bet your ass he was!!! But as you might imagine, the congressman forgot one glaring fact, hell they don’t know where the trigger is. So have at it Eric, but don’t expect flowers when you blow your sorry butt off the map! And by the way Swalwell, would you begin with those out-of-control gang bangers in Chicago by nuking the Windy City. Of course, that would be a no, no because it full of Democrats. Fact is, that would put law-abiding gun owners one up on him!!! #MAGA
Representatives many Democrats are now proposing govFollowing their successful conquest of the U.S. House of ernment jobs for all that would pay $12 - $15 per hour. The new jobs would come with medical and retirement benefits that would surpass those in the private sector. And to assure the longevity of these new swamp creatures the jobs would include such task as stacking greased BB’s and searching for the rainbow’s end. Of course funding for this trillion dollar plus program would necessitate raising the taxes of over 50% of all Americans. This plan will certainly work, just as long the pockets of the rich are bulging or until that time when the millions of bottom swamp feeders realize those above them in the food chain are living higher on the hog than they are. These Democrats would make American great again by turning it into a Venezuelan-like sh*thole. Can you imagine that time, in the not so distant future, when migrants from the USA will march toward Central America in search of a better life? #MAGA
It’s is now apparent that the good law-abiding citizens of Tijuana, Mexico have pulled the welcome mat from under their brown-skinned brothers from the south. Apparently migrant caravans from the south contain large numbers of criminals along with many who would break the law if it served their purpose. Riots are breaking out in the city as thousands of additional migrants headed toward that besieged border town. Seemingly, these misfits are not welcome in Tijuana, but should be allowed into the USA. Perhaps now the political leaders in Mexico City will finally see the light and secure their southern border. But honestly I doubt this will occur until our neighbor to the south is totally flooded by migrants from central America. Once again those in the American media have been proven wrong and about the migrants and Donald Trump’s predication of an invasion proved correct. The clash of migrants and border enforcement agents is coming as tensions in Tijuana rise. Keep a eye on this looming conflict and how the media will report it. But what the hell, we already know what they will say. “It’s Trump’s fault. #MAGA
Has anyone noticed that those marching in the Caravan from the south are waiving their national flags. Flags that represent the nations they supposedly are fleeing because of rampant corruption. The citizens of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras are not leaving their homeland for the love of America, but inquest of the Yankee Dollar. The have no love for our customs and country, but instead process a real abiding hatred for the white man and all he represents. Those in this invading army seek only the wealth of the United States and after stealing it in one way or another will flee back across the border with their booty in tow! Unfortunately, one U.S. political party---Democrats are co-conspirators in this grand theft. But then, this party has never had a problem when it comes to stealing from one group and giving their ill gotten loot to another, but not before they pocket the lion’s share. Let’s ‘MAGA’ and then and only then turn our attention toward the rest of the world. Remember some will always have more than others and that socialist Utopia where all process equal wealth is nothing more than a fool’s dream
Some have written off President Trump’s chances of winning a second term in the 2020 election following the Republican loss of the House of Representatives. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Matter of fact, the loss of the House will if anything, increase the likelihood of his reelection. No longer will the Democrats be able to point to any government failures as totally Trump’s fault. Yes, they will be forced to share the blame for any shortcomings. And just think, if Nancy Pelosi has the Speaker’s gavel what a gift that will be for ’The Donald’! During his first news conference following the election one reporter (although I hesitate to call this purveyor of fake news a reporter) not only showed his contempt for President Trump, but his utter disrespect for the office itself. Dare I name this disgusting individual? Would you believe me if I said he represented CNN? I suspect you know by now that I speak of Jim Acosta! One might just say this confrontation between Acosta and Trump was the media’s opening salvo in the 2020 election.
Civility is something that most in the press know nothing about and few practice. Most in the media would have you believe that a president of the United States must remain what they refer to a presidential when repeatedly fired on by what is obviously a hostile press. In other words, he should just sit back, relax and take it. Apparently, many in the media, can dish it out but, but are outraged when someone dares to fire back as they hide behind the First Amendment. They wrap themselves in the freedom of the press, but come unglued when someone, including the President, questions the many fake stories coming from, what can only be called bias tales, their newsrooms. Let’s be honest and admit, that those in the media would silence all opposing voices, just like liberals on the university campuses across the nation if that was in their power. Thank god, we have a president like Donald Trump who will fight for the rights of all Americans not just those on the left side of the political spectrum which the media seems to almost always support. We must reelect Donald J. Trump in 2020 to insure the people continue to have a champion in the White House. #MAGA
Democrat House Member Alexandria Ocasio Cortez may Change Her Last Name because of its connection to European Colonization of America
Sources close to Alexandria Cortez have indicated that the New York Democrat may soon change her last name. Apparently Rep. Alexandria Cortez has recently become aware that she bears the same last name as that most infamous Spanish Explorer who dared enter Mexico without proper papers and who proceeded to ban that nation’s most beloved sport. A sport where human sacrifices atop the great pyramids were carried out by Montezuma’s high priest with obsidian knives where willing commoners gave up their beating hearts to the ancient omnificent Mexican state, and were enthralled by the mere prospect of having their decapitated heads being used for soccer balls after being tossed down to the lowly peasants at the foot of the grand pyramids.
The migration of these Spaniards who were only seeking a better life marked the beginning of the end for the indigenous natives of Mexico. Hell, Alexandria, the Aztecs refused to build a wall along their eastern border. Unless you learn from history you are doomed to repeat it. #MAGA
Barack Obama set the Economic Table for Donald Trump but…
I noticed that former president Barack Obama is now claiming that he set the table for the nation’s economic recovery and in his own snarky way is patting himself on the back for the stunning success that Donald Trump is experiencing. Well perhaps he did put a fork, knife and plate on the table although it took him 8 years, but the Donald served the meat and potatoes in less than 2 short years. Damn Obama, I really hated to burst your bubble. #MAGA
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer attempts Suicide following Recent Democrat losses in Senate and news that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted to Hospital
An unidentified source close to Senate Democrat Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer, is claiming that Schumer who was already deeply depressed following the stunning losses of his party in the recent off-year elections was driven over the edge upon hearing that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to the hospital. Apparently, the Senator, dashed to his office bathroom and was attempting to toss back a bottle of sleeping pills, but was restrained by a alert intern.
Totally fake news, but then Americans have grown use to this. Just having a little fun with this piece of satire, but would have loved being a fly on the wall when Chucky received the news about Justice Ginsburg.
Democrats in Broward County Florida have proven once again they can’t Count
In case you’ve forgotten, the disputed presidential election of 2000 between Bush and Gore had it’s roots in voter irregularities coming from both Broward and Palm Beach counties in Florida. Who says lightening doesn’t strike twice in the same place? This time the election was for U.S. Senator and Governor of the state. The race for the senate there is between the present Governor Rick Scott and Senator Bill Nelson. You should note that the voting apparatus in both of these counties is controlled by Democrats. Democrats who have proven once again, that should the vote exceed 20 they just can’t count. Heck they run out of fingers and toes. Either that or they are as crooked as a cross-eyed snake trying to rape the wrong end of a hemp rope on a dark night.
This election reminds me of the old saying, “It’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes!”
Democrat Heads Explode as Trump Prepares to Appoint Himself Attorney General
Rumors are flying throughout the Capital as anonymous sources reveal that Donald Trump is seriously considering appointing himself Attorney General. When asked about this by CNN reporter/Democrat operative Jim Acosta whose hair was on fire at the time, President Trump calmly replied he could walk and chew gum at the same time and was fully capable of handling both the duties of President and AG simultaneously! The Donald continued, saying there was absolutely nothing in the Constitution that prohibited such an action. When the President’s words reached the Justice Department observers reported seeing an unidentified man jumping from the 4th floor window of the office of the Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller! Even in Washington, you occasionally have a story with a happy ending. #MAGA
Hanoi Jane claims Donald Trump in the Second Coming of Adolph Hitler
Actress Jane Fonda is now claiming that Donald Trump is a modern day Hitler. After all, it was a young Donald Trump that visited North Vietnam at the height of the Vietnam War, and while there manned North Vietnamese anti-aircraft batteries overlooking the rice paddies where American airman lay dead. Yes Jane, you are certainly, an astute historical scholar when it comes to comparing Donald Trump to Hitler. After all, we stupid knuckle-dragging Neanderthals need the counsel of all-knowing Hollywood elites like yourself to help us make the vital choices necessary for the nation’s future. #MAGA
Progressives see the coming Migrant Caravan as a “Band of Angels”
Liberals see the migrant caravans heading to our southern border as a ‘Band of Angels’ sweeping northward to free their brown-skinned brothers from the oppressive heel of the gringo, and to take back the lands of their ancestors that were stolen by a ‘force of arms’. A ‘force of arms’ that was used by the evil white man again and again around the globe to subdue and ultimately control the black and brown-skinned masses. Yes, guilt-ridden progressives feel they are responsible to correct what they view as historical transgressions of our forefathers. For the moment, progressives will not admit to supporting ’open borders’, but that claim will be exposed for the lie it is. Should this caravan and those that will most certainly follow this ’Band of Angels’ be successful in their march to the North. Unfortunately there is no middle ground here. One side must win and one lose. History has repeatedly shown that. But then how few know history these days other than the revisionist version being taught in our schools today? Perhaps, this may explain why today’s college grad has so little knowledge about the real world-----there is a difference between education and indoctrination! #MAGA
Nationalism in the Age of Donald Trump
Sometime it seems quite strange to me that President Trump garners so must hate from the left and their fellow-travelers in the media, just by calling himself, what has become a despised term of progressives, a NATIONALIST! Apparently, to many on the left, they would love to see the end of the new rising nationalism in this country and those former eastern bloc states in Europe. They are quite fearful that if this movement is allowed to continue unabated it will sweep away their beloved “Globalism”! This indeed does seem strange, in that, it was the Neo-Nationalism movement following WWI and WWII that delivered the final death-nail in the coffin of 18th and 19th century colonialism. This total collapse of colonialism was most noticeable in Africa and Southeast Asia. While most of the left decry nationalism in the west, they are totally silent when it comes to the emerging nations of the third world. But as some the on right have noticed, this silence does not extend to the tiny state of Israel. After all, modern day Israel is viewed by most in the progressive movement as a child of colonialism. A State, that must not only be condemned but exterminated. After all, unlike the colored peoples of Southeast Asia and Africa, why would they ever allow transplanted white Europeans to call themselves Nationalist. That is reserved for those down-trodden states that were victims of colonialism. Yes, President Trump has dared to call himself a Nationalist.
Of course, a white man daring to label himself as a nationalist is strictly forbidden by those on the left. That title is reserved for the black man on those that call themselves Black Nationalist are given a seat of honor at the progressive table. Somehow, what’s “good for the goose is not always good for the gander”!
Will Kanye' West White House Dinner include Collard Greens and Ham Hocks
If you just accidentally hit the wrong button on your TV remote and caught a brief glimpse of the commentary on rapper Kanye West you may have noticed the phrase "token negro" being used over and over again as he was bashed by the likes of Don Lemon and others. Have you ever noticed that when CNN refers to conservative blacks, they almost always use the term 'negro' and when referring to liberal blacks it always the term "blacks" that is used. I know what those sorry hypocrites over at CNN are thinking as they spout the term 'negro'. It's as close as one can get to the "N" word without being fired. Yes, to those CNN anchors conservative black people like Kanye are indeed 'nig*ers'. And they literally hate them.
Enough about CNN! Today Kanye set in the Oval Office with President Trump and later dined with Donald. Being an old southern boy, raised on what is today often called soul food, I would hope the main dish was collard greens and ham hocks. I'm quite sure the President's guest, that included not only Kanye, but football great Jim Brown would have appreciated this jester. Of course, liberals would have called this racist. Throughout the meeting Kanye was sporting his MAGA cap. Commented it made his feel like superman.
The Absurdity of being a Bolt in a Nutless World
Giving an entirely new meaning to female story of last night's adventure:
First Girl "I got me a big cock last nite"!
Second Girl "MeToo"!
Somehow, I think this gives an entirely new meaning to the 'MeToo' movement.
Say you don't see the hand-writing on the wall? Well I wouldn't expect that from an old misogynist white fart!
Truth is, it's no longer kosher to say, "I'll screw the light bulb into the socket". In this Huxleyeon Brave New World we must say, "Let's screw the socket into the light bulb"! Get use to it guys we're becoming obsolete---like a bolt without a nut. Really, a recent report by the United Nations, confirmed the quantity of sperm in the world's sperm banks is sufficient for the next 100 years. I plan to make a deposit later today to insure the future survival of my gene pool! However, that may present a small problem because of my recent prostate removal. Guess I will have to work twice as hard to get half as much!
First Girl "I got me a big cock last nite"!
Second Girl "MeToo"!
Somehow, I think this gives an entirely new meaning to the 'MeToo' movement.
Say you don't see the hand-writing on the wall? Well I wouldn't expect that from an old misogynist white fart!
Truth is, it's no longer kosher to say, "I'll screw the light bulb into the socket". In this Huxleyeon Brave New World we must say, "Let's screw the socket into the light bulb"! Get use to it guys we're becoming obsolete---like a bolt without a nut. Really, a recent report by the United Nations, confirmed the quantity of sperm in the world's sperm banks is sufficient for the next 100 years. I plan to make a deposit later today to insure the future survival of my gene pool! However, that may present a small problem because of my recent prostate removal. Guess I will have to work twice as hard to get half as much!
T (Trump) Rex devours both 'Never Trumpers' and 'Democrats"
The below is the best 2020 bumper sticker I've seen yet. As the Trump (T-Rex) chases the never Trumpers and the remnants of the DNC toward the La Brea Tar Pits I suppose the only question is what creature will emerge from the muck and slime. Will Trump be seen as a hero or a monster from the id. I suppose this depends who writes the history of this period.
News, Opinion, Satire, Cartoons from a Conservative Genius
Support Trump by displaying the latest novelties or choosing one for a gift to a friend. A wide selection of everything Trump such as bumper stickers, pins, golf head covers and balls, pens, watches, money clips, caps, Tshirts, shorts, money clips and much more. Just follow this LINK!
And by the way, it helps this old Trump supporter buy dog food---hey, it's not for me but my two furry buddies. And guess what the cost to you is the same no matter how you purchase items.
7th and final FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh suggest there is nothing to see here!
Read more.....
Brett Kavanaugh unmasked as the Mysterious Ice Man
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The continuing saga of the little Flake with Papa and Mommy, Chris and Dianne
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Is Brett Kavanaugh Christine Ford's Knight in Shining Armour or the Devil Incarnate
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Michael Corleone was a Rank Amateur along side of America's greatest Godfather, Donald J. Trump
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Future Historians will record United Nations Flag as first flag planted on Moon
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Jeff Flake is no Solomon, he would Split the Baby
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Why don't you believe me Daddy, Dianna Feinstein does, the Dog did eat my Homework
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Trump-supporting conservatives facing more violence in California as Confirmation of Kavanaugh grows more likely
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Kangaroos flee Judicary Committee as Kavanaugh and Graham declare 'Open Season' on Pesky Varmints
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Bacon Lovers join Climate Change Movement out of fear that rising temperatures will cause sharp increase in Hog Prices
Read more.....
106 year old Granny latest Kavanaugh Accuser
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#MeToo Allegations out of control as 13 year Boy, arrested, cuffed and dragged from school
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Torches and Pitchforks have found a home in the #MeToo Movement
Read more.....
Naked Chicks with Guns
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A Tale of Sexual Depravity from the Twilight Zone by Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnick
Read more......
Would Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg be a credible witness to Brett Kavanaugh's alleged sexual exploits
Read more.....
Jimmy Kimmel Suggests Giving Brett Kavanaugh A Penectomy If Confirmed
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White farmers being systematically cleansed from the land in South Africa by the Genocidal Policies of the ANC
Read more......
Hapless Males are caught in the Maelstrom of onrushing Events
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Student editor fired for saying ‘women don’t have penises’
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As Huge Sink Hole opens in Western Russia, many wondering if Devil growing Impatient
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Brett Kavanaugh Shoots self before Lynch Mob breaks down Door to his Home
Read more.....
"MeToo" vs. "Me Tarzan You Jane" conversation
Read more.....
Second Kavanaugh accuser steps forward. When will the other 160,000,00 women come forward with their sexual assault claims against Brett
Read more.....
Will the Rise of the Me-too and Emasculated Male Tutu movements give rise to the New Age of the Neanderthals
Read more.....
Are Cartels and MS-13 gang members trying to bring the Legacy of the Aztecs to the U.S.?
Read more.....
In all probability your Thanksgiving turkey will be a white bird.
Read more.....
Trump Is Ready for Justice Department ‘Jihad’ After alleged Coup Attempt by Rod Rosenstein Exposed
Read more.....
Suicide Bomber Demands Life Back after Catching Herpes from ‘Virgin’ in Heaven Read more.....
Democrats given use of secret Google time machine so they could witness Brett Kavanaugh's lascivious advances toward the innocent Christine Ford.
Read more....
'Dog the Bounty Hunter' joins manhunt for individual who threatened Donald Trump.
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While in their 'Lynch Kavanaugh' frenzy the media is paying little attention to what could be an apocalyptic event caused by Disease X.
Read more.....
Brett Kavanaugh is guilty as hell and must be sentenced to a life time of community service and forced to wear a long black flowing girlie robe.
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Will Fort Trump be built on the Vistula River in Poland to contain Russian expansionism?
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A good sex tale trumps democracy every time.
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Some people are playing with a few cards short of a full deck.
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Lobster Land gone Wild: Maine restaurant to get Crustaceans high on marijuana before killing them.
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Jake Tapper Dedicates Segment to Trump’s Penis. But don't we already know who has the world's biggest stick!
Read more.....
Shades of the Confederate Flag: Soviet-themed merchandise banned from Walmart.
Read more.....
The utter folly of Robert Mueller's search for an ass without a smell!
Read more.....
SCOTUS nominee, Kavanaugh should be aware that "Me-too's" come in bunches like bananas. With some being on the over-ripe side.
Read more.....
Fake 'Passport' vendors outside both DOJ and FBI Buildings report sudden spike in demand for fake passports following Trump's decision to declassify documents.
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Venezuelan Socialist raise minimum wage by 60 fold.
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FBI report confirms Brett Kavanaugh pulled wings off butterfly when he was 8 years old!
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Zombie Flag raised over California capital in Sacramento.
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John Kerry displays his most prized medals at secure location in Heinz building.
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Is China Preparing To Unleash Pearl Harbor Attacks On American Forces Throughout Pacific And US Mainland?
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Freak snow storms hit South African Savannah confusing Elephants and Giraffes.
Read more.....
The impossible dream: Restoring sanity to the 2018 midterm elections.
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The Washington Post declares President Trump to be an omnipotent god who can control the weather.
Read more.....
Why conservative readers need to use 'Bing' or 'Dogpile' search engines rather than ' Google'.
Read more.....
Vladimir Putin claims authorship of New York Times anonymous op-ed.
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The left has co-opted conservative position on Russia.
Read more.....
FELINE FOLLY: Cats to be banned in New Zealand town.
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New York Times anonymous Swamp Creature unmasked!
Read more.....
Trump assassination fears rise.
Read more.....
A layman's guide on anti-Americanism for snowflakes!
Read more.....
Hound Dog Mueller on the trail of Trump, the sly fox.
Read more.....
Increased Influx of Martyrs Leaves Paradise Facing Severe Virgin Shortages
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Venezuela donates one-million in Venezuelan Bolivars to DNC to promote socialism in U.S. about 10-cents in American dollars.
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The fate of King Kong Mueller is sealed.
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Scientist discover new species of roach that lays it's eggs in the ears of human beings while they sleep.
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Media plunges mindlessly into masterful "Trump Trap".
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Mollie Tibbetts meets killer from south of the border.
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Black voter support for President Trump has doubled to 36% since his election.
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Is it "Russia Russia Russia" or why not "Commie Commie Commie"?
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8' Satanic statue unveiled at Arkansas capital.
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Make MS-13 great again. Vote Ocasio-Cortez. Candidate of the new Peoples's Socialist Party of America.
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Dog and Pony show coming to Southwest Airlines.
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MEAN TWEETS: Starring Donald Trump
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A lesson for never Trumper's!
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Media collaborates to show Trump how they don't collaborate.
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The socialist government of Venezuela to solve starvation problem by mandating that people buy food.
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The real reason for the California plastic straw ban --- Spit-Ball Guns.
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Poop Patrol rounds up Turds on the streets of San Francisco.
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Who is Omarosa? Who let the dog out!
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California plans to transition all state jobs from citizens to Illegal Aliens by 2020.
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And by the way, it helps this old Trump supporter buy dog food---hey, it's not for me but my two furry buddies. And guess what the cost to you is the same no matter how you purchase items.
7th and final FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh suggest there is nothing to see here!
Read more.....
Brett Kavanaugh unmasked as the Mysterious Ice Man
Read more.....
The continuing saga of the little Flake with Papa and Mommy, Chris and Dianne
Read more.....
Is Brett Kavanaugh Christine Ford's Knight in Shining Armour or the Devil Incarnate
Read more.....
Michael Corleone was a Rank Amateur along side of America's greatest Godfather, Donald J. Trump
Read more.....
Future Historians will record United Nations Flag as first flag planted on Moon
Read more.....
Jeff Flake is no Solomon, he would Split the Baby
Read more.....
Why don't you believe me Daddy, Dianna Feinstein does, the Dog did eat my Homework
Read more.....
Trump-supporting conservatives facing more violence in California as Confirmation of Kavanaugh grows more likely
Read more.....
Kangaroos flee Judicary Committee as Kavanaugh and Graham declare 'Open Season' on Pesky Varmints
Read more.....
Bacon Lovers join Climate Change Movement out of fear that rising temperatures will cause sharp increase in Hog Prices
Read more.....
106 year old Granny latest Kavanaugh Accuser
Read more.....
#MeToo Allegations out of control as 13 year Boy, arrested, cuffed and dragged from school
Read more.....

Torches and Pitchforks have found a home in the #MeToo Movement
Read more.....
Naked Chicks with Guns
Read more.....
A Tale of Sexual Depravity from the Twilight Zone by Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnick
Read more......

Would Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg be a credible witness to Brett Kavanaugh's alleged sexual exploits
Read more.....
Jimmy Kimmel Suggests Giving Brett Kavanaugh A Penectomy If Confirmed
Read more.....
White farmers being systematically cleansed from the land in South Africa by the Genocidal Policies of the ANC
Read more......
Hapless Males are caught in the Maelstrom of onrushing Events
Read more.....
Student editor fired for saying ‘women don’t have penises’
Read more.....
As Huge Sink Hole opens in Western Russia, many wondering if Devil growing Impatient
Read more.....
Brett Kavanaugh Shoots self before Lynch Mob breaks down Door to his Home
Read more.....
"MeToo" vs. "Me Tarzan You Jane" conversation
Read more.....
Second Kavanaugh accuser steps forward. When will the other 160,000,00 women come forward with their sexual assault claims against Brett
Read more.....
Will the Rise of the Me-too and Emasculated Male Tutu movements give rise to the New Age of the Neanderthals
Read more.....
Are Cartels and MS-13 gang members trying to bring the Legacy of the Aztecs to the U.S.?
Read more.....
In all probability your Thanksgiving turkey will be a white bird.
Read more.....
Trump Is Ready for Justice Department ‘Jihad’ After alleged Coup Attempt by Rod Rosenstein Exposed
Read more.....
Suicide Bomber Demands Life Back after Catching Herpes from ‘Virgin’ in Heaven Read more.....
Democrats given use of secret Google time machine so they could witness Brett Kavanaugh's lascivious advances toward the innocent Christine Ford.
Read more....
'Dog the Bounty Hunter' joins manhunt for individual who threatened Donald Trump.
Read more.....
While in their 'Lynch Kavanaugh' frenzy the media is paying little attention to what could be an apocalyptic event caused by Disease X.
Read more.....
Brett Kavanaugh is guilty as hell and must be sentenced to a life time of community service and forced to wear a long black flowing girlie robe.
Read more.....
Will Fort Trump be built on the Vistula River in Poland to contain Russian expansionism?
Read more.....
A good sex tale trumps democracy every time.
Read more.....
Some people are playing with a few cards short of a full deck.
Read more.....
Lobster Land gone Wild: Maine restaurant to get Crustaceans high on marijuana before killing them.
Read more.....
Jake Tapper Dedicates Segment to Trump’s Penis. But don't we already know who has the world's biggest stick!
Read more.....
Shades of the Confederate Flag: Soviet-themed merchandise banned from Walmart.
Read more.....
The utter folly of Robert Mueller's search for an ass without a smell!
Read more.....
SCOTUS nominee, Kavanaugh should be aware that "Me-too's" come in bunches like bananas. With some being on the over-ripe side.
Read more.....
Fake 'Passport' vendors outside both DOJ and FBI Buildings report sudden spike in demand for fake passports following Trump's decision to declassify documents.
Read more.....
Venezuelan Socialist raise minimum wage by 60 fold.
Read more.....
FBI report confirms Brett Kavanaugh pulled wings off butterfly when he was 8 years old!
Read more.....
Zombie Flag raised over California capital in Sacramento.
Read more.....
John Kerry displays his most prized medals at secure location in Heinz building.
Read more.....
Is China Preparing To Unleash Pearl Harbor Attacks On American Forces Throughout Pacific And US Mainland?
Read more.....
Freak snow storms hit South African Savannah confusing Elephants and Giraffes.
Read more.....
The impossible dream: Restoring sanity to the 2018 midterm elections.
Read more.....
The Washington Post declares President Trump to be an omnipotent god who can control the weather.
Read more.....
Why conservative readers need to use 'Bing' or 'Dogpile' search engines rather than ' Google'.
Read more.....
Vladimir Putin claims authorship of New York Times anonymous op-ed.
Read more.....
The left has co-opted conservative position on Russia.
Read more.....
FELINE FOLLY: Cats to be banned in New Zealand town.
Read more.....
New York Times anonymous Swamp Creature unmasked!
Read more.....
Trump assassination fears rise.
Read more.....
A layman's guide on anti-Americanism for snowflakes!
Read more.....
Hound Dog Mueller on the trail of Trump, the sly fox.
Read more.....
Increased Influx of Martyrs Leaves Paradise Facing Severe Virgin Shortages
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Venezuela donates one-million in Venezuelan Bolivars to DNC to promote socialism in U.S. about 10-cents in American dollars.
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The fate of King Kong Mueller is sealed.
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Scientist discover new species of roach that lays it's eggs in the ears of human beings while they sleep.
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Media plunges mindlessly into masterful "Trump Trap".
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Mollie Tibbetts meets killer from south of the border.
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Black voter support for President Trump has doubled to 36% since his election.
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Is it "Russia Russia Russia" or why not "Commie Commie Commie"?
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8' Satanic statue unveiled at Arkansas capital.
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Make MS-13 great again. Vote Ocasio-Cortez. Candidate of the new Peoples's Socialist Party of America.
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Dog and Pony show coming to Southwest Airlines.
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MEAN TWEETS: Starring Donald Trump
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A lesson for never Trumper's!
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Media collaborates to show Trump how they don't collaborate.
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The socialist government of Venezuela to solve starvation problem by mandating that people buy food.
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The real reason for the California plastic straw ban --- Spit-Ball Guns.
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Poop Patrol rounds up Turds on the streets of San Francisco.
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Who is Omarosa? Who let the dog out!
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California plans to transition all state jobs from citizens to Illegal Aliens by 2020.
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