
Toe the Party Line

At the upcoming Democratic National Convention almost 1/3 of the votes needed to secure the nomination and be the party's standard bearer in general election this fall with be the so-called super delegates.   The total number of delegates at the DNC convention will be 4763 with some 2382 needed to secure the nomination.  Of the 4763 some 712 will be super delegates--in other words, the party bosses.  The Democrat bosses will tolerate the voices of the voters at the ballot box, just as long as those voices dare not go against the Party Line.  Democrats are expected to march in lock-step and should they attempt to stray, the super delegates are there to insure that voter ignorance does not deflect the Party from it's ultimate goal.  A goal of total control of your way of life!   
And for you liberal trolls the word "Toe" in the title is not misspelled---look at the image.


The only Hate Speech at Trump rallies is coming from Protesters

Those so-called peaceful protesters at Trump rallies will tell you they have a right to shutdown those events because he is using hate speech and loses the protection of the First Amendment.  I am wondering who has the right to determine what is and what isn't hate speech.  One man's hate speech just may be another man's patriotic address.  The simple truth here is that denying one man's right to speak is denying all men the right to speak freely.


Bill Clinton's Secret Male Server

Perhaps the reason Hillary setup that private mail server was that she didn't want to be outdone by Bubba, who had his personal "Male Server"!


Dancing in the Blood of Victims of Islamic Terrorism

Before the blood had dried in Brussels our astute President showed that nothing would come between him and his ballgames, dancing babes, and leftist dictators!  Does one really believe that if the Castro's were right of center dictators that Obama would have ever set foot in Havana or Argentina?  


Big Game Hunting Trophies

Remember a few months back when a Minnesota Dentist on Safari in Africa killed poor Cecil, the Lion.  There was outrage across the nation and calls for the jailing of this trophy hunting "tooth-puller"!  And now we have the GOP about to be mounted on a wall somewhere in the penthouse of Trump Tower in the "Big Apple".   Tears were shed for Cecil,  but few will be shed for the "do-nothing" GOP, except for the party big-wigs who will find themselves stripped of power.  Cecil was undeserving of his place on the wall, but the GOP earned theirs by not listening to the voices of the voters.   By Ron Russell


Trump Trounces Cruz in the Grand Canyon State

With 58 delegates up for grab in the winner take all state of Arizona Donald Trump has added another victory over Ted Cruz and the upstart John Kasich!

Multiple Terrorist Attacks in Brussels kill 28 with over 100 injured

Islamic Terrorist attack Brussels airport and two metro stations.  Death toll now at 28 and expected to rise. 


The difference between Iranians and Conservatives

Have you ever wondered why Obama will negotiate with Iranians, Cubans and Russians, but not with Conservatives.  The answer is really quite simple Conservatives are not Muslims, not Latino Communist, and Putin just scares the hell out of Barack!


How to prevent Thugs for Disrupting Trump Rallies...

We all know how most Millennial college students hate the mere idea of having to work for a living.  That is the reason they follow that Socialist Pied Piper who promises to make almost everything free.  At least free to those too lazy to work, but very costly to those in the work force.  Yea, just call Trump Rallies Job Fairs.  Then they would avoid them like the Plague!  


Feed a Liberal and the thanks you get is Democrat Guano

The only real difference between conservatives and liberals is that one feeds the other and the only thanks the feeder gets is more Democrat Guano (bird crap).


Want to end anti-Americanism and violence in the U.S.A.? Vote Trump!

One great reason to vote for Trump is that so many undesirables have promised to move to Canada should Trump be elected President.  Good riddance and don't let the door hit you in the A$$ on the way out.  But then in all likely-hood these dead beats won't leave.  After all, as you know, most of them have perfected the art of lying!     


The vast Left-wing Civility Myth

We all know those poor down-trodden millennials would never, never try to be disruptive on the political stage.  They are simply exercising their First Amendment right to protest.  They have no intention of disrupting any Republican Rally where the speaker agrees with them.  The only time they scream and shout and present that middle finger is when the Rally speaker dares to utter words that are offensive to them.  The poor little things just can't handle that.  We should give them a safe place where they will be free to live their non-productive lives or just encourage them to return to their parents basement.  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


What a World without Islam might look like

The Twin Towers would still be standing.  
There would have been no need for the Holy Crusades.  
There would be no ISIS.  
Terrorists attacks across the globe would be cut by over 99%.  And the Jewish state of Israel could live in peace.


Free Speech under attack by Left

The left is determined to stifle Free Speech.  Or should I say speech that doesn't conform with what they think it should be.  We have seen this again and again on the nation's university campuses.  Campuses where conservative voices were either shouted down or speakers simply denied the right to appear.  It certainly seems that the American Progressive Movement has taken a page from Hitler's and Mussolini's in an attempt to destroy the opposition.  Just recently we have seen the little young socialist of Bernie Sanders try to flood the rallies of Trump, not just to protest, but to shut them down.  These spoiled brats have moved from the campus to the streets of America to spread their alien ideology.  A ideology that in no way conforms to American democracy.  Bernie Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist.  The truth is that democracy and socialism cannot co-exist.  Socialism is like the rotten apple in the barrel and unless removed---well you know what happens.   


Trump Rally in Youngstown, Ohio 3-14-16

Live stream in Youngstown, Ohio 3-14-16 Rally Starts at 6pm EST

The Perfect Zombie Bunker

Have you ever wondered why so many people are running for Congress?  It is the world's safest place to be during the coming brain-eating Zombie Apocalypse, second only to the White House and the Zimbabwe Presidential Palace in Harare.  A Palace now occupied by Robert Mugabe, second cousin twice removed of the current President of the United States, Barack Obama!


Democrats bring Scumbag Rally Disrupters to Chicago

Liberal Democrat groups "Black Lives Matter" and "Move on" encouraged thousands of Disrupters to prevent conservative Trump followers from hearing his message at a recent Chicago Rally.  These were not simply peaceful protesters exercising their 1st Amendment right, but disrupters intent on preventing others from speaking.  We have seen this across the nation of dozens of university campuses where conservative speakers were shouted down or simply denied the right to free speech by school administrators. Although Donald Trump was denied his right to speak and the disrupters claimed a victory.  They did in fact, give the New York businessman a much broader audience to deliver the message they hate.  I suppose the lesson to learn here is that men like Trump like to build while those on the opposing side like to tear down. 


Rubio and Cruz blame Trump for violence at Rally

Following what was obviously a well organized protest at a Trump rally in Chicago by Bernie Sanders supporters, Black Lives Matter and Move on dot Org, both Rubio and Cruz placed the blame for the violence at the rally not on the thousands of unruly punks but on the candidate, Donald Trump!  Nothing, absolutely nothing will anger Trump supporters more than these unfounded accusations.  I would be willing to bet that the events in Chicago and the words of both Cruz and Rubio will assure their defeat and guarantee a solid Trump victory in the upcoming primaries next week in Florida, Ohio, Illinois and North Carolina. 


Chicago Millennials shout fire in the Theater during a showing of "Let's make America Great Again"

Chicago millennials shout fire in the theater during a showing of Donald Trump's "Let's make America Great Again!"  As thousands gathered to watch the Oscar winning film "Lets Make America Great Again" millennial hordes swarmed the Red Carpet event over-running police lines.  When asked about this film's premiere, the producers were quick to point out that despite this temporary setback, this film will be shown at thousands of theaters across the United States.  


The Naivety of University Millennials

Bernie, more than any other person in the 2016 race for the White House is using the "Free Money" ploy to attract voters.  Most Americans however, have not taken the bait.  But the naive young inexperienced have swallowed it hook line and sinker.  Wouldn't it been nice to be young again and enjoy that time when you had all the answers?


The Children of Jew Haters

During the reign of Adolph Hitler's National Socialist Party the German youth were taught to hate Jews.  The world soundly condemned this policy.  A policy of genocide that lead to the death of over 6 million European Jews.

In most Arab countries across North Africa and the Middle East Muslim children are taught to hate Jews.  Not just those Jews living in Israel, but anywhere in the world.  

The world soundly condemned the Nazis for the holocaust.  Today, however antisemitism is still alive and well and calls of death to Israel and the Jewish people echo across the Middle East to Persia.  Strangely the world is turning a deaf ear to these ominous calls for the annihilation of the Jewish state.  And even here in America only one major political party is clearly standing firm in it's support of Israel, while the other (the Democrats), are claiming to be honest brokers between Israelis and Muslims.  These Democrats honestly think they can waive that magic wand and antisemitism will vanish in the Middle East.  One must wonder why liberals without hesitation, condemned the Nazis, but for some unknown reason are so reluctant to condemn the Arabs who call for the death of Israel.  Hell the only thing I can figure out is that the Nazis were white, while the Arabs are not!  Let that sink in!    
By Ron Russell


Understanding Differences between Republican and Democrat made easy

If you are one of those who wants that hand out, but choose to call it a hand up or even your right as a non-taxpaying low information sometime voter then without a doubt you are a poor-me Democrat.  Sorry, until you wise up and get a life you are stuck with that label until your dying day!


Will Obama admit Christian Genocide is occurring in the Middle East

Why is the Obama Administration so reluctant to recognize the systematic murder of Christians across the Middle East?  And why won't the President identify these killings for what they obviously are---Christian Genocide!  One must wonder if things were reversed and Christians were killing Muslims what would the President say then.  The answer is clear---he would be among the first to call it Muslim Genocide.  Seems with this President some terms are off limit.  The phrases "Islamic Terrorism" and now "Christian Genocide" are forbidden.  This should not shock anyone who is familiar with the written and spoken words of Barack.  Remember he did write, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" in his 2006 autobiography "The Audacity of Hope".  Then on more than one occasion when confronted about modern Islamic Terrorism he has been quick to point out the Christian Crusades of a thousand years ago.  He seemed to equate the Holy Crusades of King Richard and others to the current  of acts of Islamic terrorism across the globe.  In short, the man in the White House cannot admit their is such a thing as "Christian Genocide" occurring in the Middle East.  That would run contrary to what is obviously, his deep seeded belief as to what Islam stands for.  I would contend that the old saying, "you can't see the forest for the trees" aptly applies to Barack Hussein Obama!  By Ron Russell


GOP elite gives Gold Medal to third place finisher

Forget who got the most votes,  forget about the will of the American voter, forget about that unworthy first place finisher, forget that your vote is suppose to count; but never, never forget that you are part of the dumb ignorant masses who need the guidance of the Republican Elite in Washington.  This is exactly what Republican leaders like Bush, Romney, Ryan, McCain and others actually believe.  These Big Boss Men would never actually tell you to your face that you are a dumb ingrate but their actions speak louder than words. 


Racism is in the eye of the Beholder

When you stop and think about this you will get it!
Wonder what Charles Darwin would have to say!


Is the FBI closing in on Hillary Clinton

Just this week the DOJ has granted immunity to Bryan Pagiano, the former Clinton staffer who set up the private email server for the then Secretary of State.  This would indicate the investigation into the activities of Hillary Clinton is moving forward and that a grand jury has been impaneled. Run Hillary run.  See Hillary run! 


Free College for Millennials so workers can pay higher taxes

The American worker needs to wake up and realize they must work harder and pay higher taxes so that our young millennials can continue their indoctrination at our Institutions of Lower Learning and bacchanalian life style for free!  


Why do Liberals see a Racist under every Rock

Wonder why it is that Liberals see a racist under every rock?  Could it just be that anyone who dares to disagree with them is a racist!