
Don"t Touch My Junk!

Cartoon by Eric Allie
Heck, they already have you by the balls!!! 
 They want it all!!!
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The Pope and Condoms

Cartoon by Ken Catalino
It's a slippery slope to head down!!!
What's next!!!
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Eric Holder, Wrong For America

Cartoon by Glenn McCoy
Seems like Eric Holder is right for Obama,
but he is

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MacArthur Had It Right

Cartoon by Michael Ramirez
The General would have taken North Korea
 out in the 1950's,
but as usual the politicians got in the way and even
 fired him!!!

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Bite Me Barack!!!

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Only Things Obama Does Well!!!

Smoking and Drinking!!!
The only things Barack is really good at!!!
Maybe he is part redneck!!!
Sorry all you Rednecks I didn't mean to insult you!!!

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Cap and Trade Dead!

Cartoon by Lisa Benson
 Cap and Trade was already dead,
 but with the change in the U.S. House it is buried!!!
  Will the EPA carry the ball for the environmental wackos now???
H/T to Townhall

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TSA and Dirty Underwear

Cartoon by Steve Kelley
Wonder how the TSA will get their hands
around this???
 But then they are full of it anyway!!!
H/T to Townhall

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Nancy Pelosi's Waterloo

Cartoon by Jerry Holbert
The term beating a dead horse has never been more true! But then how would a San Francisco liberal know that!!!
H/T to Townhall

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Obama Says, "It's Not Me It's the Damn Teleprompter's Fault"!!!!

Cartoon by Steve Kelley
Has anyone else noticed that Obama always passes the blame for his failures to others!  Even his best friend "TOTUS" will be thrown under the bus if it suits his purpose!!!
 H/T to Townhall
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Nanny State and The Happy Meal!!!

Cartoon by Jerry Holbert
It's not our fault its those greedy owners
 at MacDonalds!!!!
 Big brother will take care of this for us!!!
H/T to Townhall
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No Compromise!! No Way!

Compromise is only offered from a position of weakness!
No compromise!
No Way!!!!!
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Right Turn

Cartoon by Jerry Holbert
Don't you guys on the left concern yourselves, Barack is a committed leftist and cannot change his spots!!! He will go down with the ship!  Another Jimmy Carter who is destined to serve only one term!
H/T to Townhall
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Pelosi Unplugged

Cartoon by Glenn Foden
Nancy may be the new minority leader, but as we all know that position carries comes little power in the U.S. House! Not even a government plane to fly her back and forth to Frisco!
H/T to Townhall

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Lame Ducks

Cartoon by Glenn Foden

During the next few weeks we will witness the dying gasps of the Democratic congress! The end will not come quick enough for most Americans.  Goodbye you bums, the people have spoken!
H/T to Townhall
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No Longer A Rock Star

Caroon by Jerry Holbert
Obama is playing to an ever shrinking audience!!!
What happened Barry?
 Got any new tunes???
Nope---its hard for a leopard to change his spots!!!
 H/T to Townhall
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No Escaping Reality

The Utopian dream world of Barack
is fading as he is forced to deal with reality!!!

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The Incredible Shrinking Obama

Some presidents grow in statue with the
passage of time and some-----well!!!!

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Obama Mania is Dead and Stinking

Obama-Mania is dead!!!!
The bloom is off the Rose!
This is the real change you can believe in!!!

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The 2010 Elections

Yep buddy this one got by you! Next time it will be the game winner and I see nothing you can do to prevent the winning goal!!!
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Tax Cuts Work

Tax cuts work and will lead to economic recovery.  But the democrats in Washington will never see that, because all they want to do is tax and spend in hopes of buying votes on election day.  People have gotten wise to this old game!

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Time to Drill in ANWR

Time to drill in ANWR! Build more nuclear plants! Explore for more Natural Gas! And also look for more green energy!  It will take all to insure energy independence!

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Cardiac Arrest, Repeal Obamacare

ObamaCare could very well be having Cardiac Arrest with the new leaders in the House pledging to put up road blocks to its implication! Some relief to this monstrous law may be coming in the months ahead and with the election of a new president in 2012 we could see its repeal. It's not over until its buried once and for all!!!!

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The People Have Spoken

The people have spoken, but they will not wait long.  Those old guys in Congress better listen to the man in the street and not fall back into their old ways. The clock is already ticking and a angry populous is watching!!

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Republican Good Ole Boys

The good ole boys have a leg up again in the U.S. House, but the new grass roots movement in the nation will be watching to make sure they don't fall back in the same old groove. They will have a chance to prove themselves, but we won't wait forever!

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