
LIBERAL California Determined to Secede – Takes First Step Toward CalExit

California is one of the most liberal states in the country, and they’re not happy about losing so miserably in the November election. It seems the rest of America is ready to leave disastrous liberal policies behind, but not California. Instead, they’re taking the first step towards secession. 

A group of Californians have begun looking to introduce the idea of secession on a 2018 ballot, called the “California Autonomy From Federal Government” initiative. The secessionists can now begin collecting signatures, and they officially have 180 days to collect 600,000 signatures to get the initiative on the 2018 statewide ballot. 

The initiative would remove language from the California constitution which states that California is “an inseparable part of the United States of America, and the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land”. Voters will also be asked if they wish to secede from the United States of America. If the measure passes, a special election would be held in March where voters would again determine if they want to leave the country. 

And the secessionists already have a plan in case Congress won’t let them leave the union; Louis J. Marinelli, president of Yes California, said that they plan to circumvent Congress entirely and go through the United Nations to assert independence if voters agree. “We’re not ashamed about going around Washington to achieve it,” Marinelli said.    
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1 comment:

Kismet said...

We should kick it out first. Wahington DC would be next.