
News, Opinion, Satire, Cartoons from a Conservative Genius

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And by the way, it helps this old Trump supporter buy dog food---hey, it's not for me but my two furry buddies.  And guess what the cost to you is the same no matter how you purchase items.

7th and final FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh suggest there is nothing to see here
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Brett Kavanaugh unmasked as the Mysterious Ice Man 
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The continuing saga of the little Flake with Papa and Mommy, Chris and Dianne 
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Is Brett Kavanaugh Christine Ford's Knight in Shining Armour or the Devil Incarnate
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Michael Corleone was a Rank Amateur along side of America's greatest Godfather, Donald J. Trump
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Future Historians will record United Nations Flag as first flag planted on Moon 
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Jeff Flake is no Solomon, he would Split the Baby 
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Why don't you believe me Daddy, Dianna Feinstein does, the Dog did eat my Homework
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Trump-supporting conservatives facing more violence in California as Confirmation of Kavanaugh grows more likely 
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Kangaroos flee Judicary Committee as Kavanaugh and Graham declare 'Open Season' on Pesky Varmints 
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Bacon Lovers join Climate Change Movement out of fear that rising temperatures will cause sharp increase in Hog Prices 
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106 year old Granny latest Kavanaugh Accuser 
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#MeToo Allegations out of control as 13 year Boy, arrested, cuffed and dragged from school 
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Torches and Pitchforks have found a home in the #MeToo Movement 
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Naked Chicks with Guns 
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A Tale of Sexual Depravity from the Twilight Zone by Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnick 
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Would Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg be a credible witness to Brett Kavanaugh's alleged sexual exploits 
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Jimmy Kimmel Suggests Giving Brett Kavanaugh A Penectomy If Confirmed 
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White farmers being systematically cleansed from the land in South Africa by the Genocidal Policies of the ANC  
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Hapless Males are caught in the Maelstrom of onrushing Events 
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Student editor fired for saying ‘women don’t have penises’
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As Huge Sink Hole opens in Western Russia, many wondering if Devil growing Impatient
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Brett Kavanaugh Shoots self before Lynch Mob breaks down Door to his Home
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"MeToo" vs. "Me Tarzan You Jane" conversation 
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Second Kavanaugh accuser steps forward. When will the other 160,000,00 women come forward with their sexual assault claims against Brett 
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Will the Rise of the Me-too and Emasculated Male Tutu movements give rise to the New Age of the Neanderthals    
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Are Cartels and MS-13 gang members trying to bring the Legacy of the Aztecs to the U.S.?  
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In all probability your Thanksgiving turkey will be a white bird.  
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Trump Is Ready for Justice Department ‘Jihad’ After alleged Coup Attempt by Rod Rosenstein Exposed   
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Suicide Bomber Demands Life Back after Catching Herpes from ‘Virgin’ in Heaven Read more.....

Democrats given use of secret Google time machine so they could witness Brett Kavanaugh's lascivious advances toward the innocent Christine Ford.   
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'Dog the Bounty Hunter' joins manhunt for individual who threatened Donald Trump.   
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While in their 'Lynch Kavanaugh' frenzy the media is paying little attention to what could be an   apocalyptic event caused by Disease X.   
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Brett Kavanaugh is guilty as hell and must be sentenced to a life time of community service and forced to wear a long black flowing girlie robe.    
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Will Fort Trump be built on the Vistula River in Poland to contain Russian expansionism?  
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A good sex tale trumps democracy every time.   
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Some people are playing with a few cards short of a full deck.   
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Lobster Land gone Wild: Maine restaurant to get Crustaceans high on marijuana before killing them.   
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Jake Tapper Dedicates Segment to Trump’s Penis.  But don't we already know who has the world's biggest stick!   
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Shades of the Confederate Flag:  Soviet-themed merchandise banned from Walmart.   
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The utter folly of Robert Mueller's search for an ass without a smell!   
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SCOTUS nominee, Kavanaugh should be aware that "Me-too's" come in bunches like bananas.  With some being on the over-ripe side.   
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Fake 'Passport' vendors outside both DOJ and FBI Buildings report sudden spike in demand for fake passports following Trump's decision to declassify documents.  
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Venezuelan Socialist raise minimum wage by 60 fold.   
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FBI report confirms Brett Kavanaugh pulled wings off butterfly when he was 8 years old!    
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Zombie Flag raised over California capital in Sacramento.   
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John Kerry displays his most prized medals at secure location in Heinz building.   
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Is China Preparing To Unleash Pearl Harbor Attacks On American Forces Throughout Pacific And US Mainland?  
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Freak snow storms hit South African Savannah confusing Elephants and Giraffes.    
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The impossible dream:  Restoring sanity to the 2018 midterm elections.   
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The Washington Post declares President Trump to be an omnipotent god who can control the weather.   
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Why conservative readers need to use 'Bing' or 'Dogpile' search engines rather than ' Google'.   
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Vladimir Putin claims authorship of New York Times anonymous op-ed.   
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The left has co-opted conservative position on Russia.  
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FELINE FOLLY:  Cats to be banned in New Zealand town.    
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New York Times anonymous Swamp Creature unmasked!  
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Trump assassination fears rise.   
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A layman's guide on anti-Americanism for snowflakes!    
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Hound Dog Mueller on the trail of Trump, the sly fox. 
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Increased Influx of Martyrs Leaves Paradise Facing Severe Virgin Shortages  
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Venezuela donates one-million in Venezuelan Bolivars to DNC to promote socialism in U.S.  about 10-cents in American dollars.   
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The fate of King Kong Mueller is sealed.   
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Scientist discover new species of roach that lays it's eggs in the ears of human beings while they sleep.   
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Media plunges mindlessly into masterful "Trump Trap".    
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Mollie Tibbetts meets killer from south of the border.  
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Black voter support for President Trump has doubled to 36% since his election.   
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Is it "Russia Russia Russia" or why not "Commie Commie Commie"?   
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8' Satanic statue unveiled at Arkansas capital.  
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Make MS-13 great again.  Vote Ocasio-Cortez.  Candidate of the new Peoples's Socialist Party of America.  
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Dog and Pony show coming to Southwest Airlines.   
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MEAN TWEETS:   Starring Donald Trump   
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A lesson for never Trumper's!  
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Media collaborates to show Trump how they don't collaborate.   
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The socialist government of Venezuela to solve starvation problem by mandating that people buy food. 
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The real reason for the California plastic straw ban --- Spit-Ball Guns.   
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Poop Patrol rounds up Turds on the streets of San Francisco. 
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Who is Omarosa?  Who let the dog out!    
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California plans to transition all state jobs from citizens to Illegal Aliens by 2020.   
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