If your taste runs to Red Herring then buy a copy of the New York Times or just click on CNN. There you will find that story that diverts you away from the awful truth they don't want you to see and whisks you away to LaLa Land. Red Herring is the choice of fools and main dish of those elites who love to complicate the obvious.
Democrats make teo shocking discoveries following the election of Donald Trump
Following the come from behind win of Donald Trump Democrats have made two shocking discoveries. Suddenly, they have found the Constitution and recognized the validity of the "Red Scare". So if nothing else is accomplished by the Trump Administration, he has already done a great service to the nation by opening the eyes of the corrupt opposition. Of course these two great finds of the Democrats will vanish as quickly as a fart in the wind when they regain power in Washington.
Donald Trump is an anti_Semitic, Racist, Islamophobic, Russian loving Narcissist according to the Media
Those in the MSM have there long knives out, not just for Donald Trump, but for his millions of supporters as well. What is perhaps their most sickening act to date in laying the rise of anti-Semitic act across the nation squarely on the doorstep of Trump and his supporters. They never actually come out and say it, but their constant reporting of such acts and implication that such acts are directly related to his election win would lead some tho believe that it's his supporters who are committing such deplorable anti-Semitic acts. However, for some unexplained reason such acts seemed confined to areas of the country that are Democratic stronghold. And less we forget, it was Trump who won the election and his supporters remain thrilled. While on the other hand, Democrats are up in arms and seeking out anyway to bring down his presidency. We have seen these reactionaries, and they are just that, vent their anger in the streets by attacking Trump supporter, burning flags, and destroying private property. Seeing all those violent acts leads any thinking person to conclude their actions are not confined to those that flash on our TV screens. But actions committed in the nighttime darkness far removed from the camera.
Acts consisting of violent threats against Jewish groups and real acts of vandalism against Jew property. Why you ask? So that the Trump-hating media can point an accusing finger at Trump supporters and their leader, Donald. There is an unwritten alliance between the media and these thugs who operated under the cover of darkness. An alliance, that has but one purpose, to destroy or legitimize the Trump presidency. No it is not Trump supporters who are calling in anonymous bomb threats to synagogues or knocking over tombstones in Jewish cemeteries. It is those on the left who have been taught by their anti-Semitic professors to hate the state of Israel.
But for some reason, those in the press like to point to evangelicals who stand with Israel as the perpetrators of these events. Most in the media are aware of this, but their hate for Trump overrides what little logical reasoning they have left. The last time I looked, Trump has a Jewish son-in-law, a daughter who has converted to Judaism and Jewish grand children. I will say it one final time: Donald Trump and his supporters are not responsible for these anti-Semitic acts. These acts are being committed by Democrats who hate the President. Because they know the media will conspire with them and blame Trump. President Trump has it right. You cannot believe or trust what has become a lying media!
Acts consisting of violent threats against Jewish groups and real acts of vandalism against Jew property. Why you ask? So that the Trump-hating media can point an accusing finger at Trump supporters and their leader, Donald. There is an unwritten alliance between the media and these thugs who operated under the cover of darkness. An alliance, that has but one purpose, to destroy or legitimize the Trump presidency. No it is not Trump supporters who are calling in anonymous bomb threats to synagogues or knocking over tombstones in Jewish cemeteries. It is those on the left who have been taught by their anti-Semitic professors to hate the state of Israel.
But for some reason, those in the press like to point to evangelicals who stand with Israel as the perpetrators of these events. Most in the media are aware of this, but their hate for Trump overrides what little logical reasoning they have left. The last time I looked, Trump has a Jewish son-in-law, a daughter who has converted to Judaism and Jewish grand children. I will say it one final time: Donald Trump and his supporters are not responsible for these anti-Semitic acts. These acts are being committed by Democrats who hate the President. Because they know the media will conspire with them and blame Trump. President Trump has it right. You cannot believe or trust what has become a lying media!
Marines know a Patriot when they see one and a coward when they smell one
Have you watched President Trump when he steps down from Air Force One? He looks the Marine stationed there square in the face and salutes him. Where as ex-President Obama (damn that "ex" thingy sounds good) often failed to even acknowledge the Marine standing there. I recall one time at an Obama address in the White House Rose Garden it began to rain and a Marine stepped up and held an umbrella over Barack's head---not so much as a "thank you" rolled off the silver tongued speakers lips! Little wonder few if any, Marines put in for the White House detail when Obama was President. Whereas, now with Trump as Commander-in-Chief, the applications for White House duty are flooding in. But then, is this really surprising!
Environmental Activist forced to abandon Standing Rock, leave behind over 1,000 tons of garbage
Following the signing of Executive Order by President Donald J. Trump, environmental activist have been forced to leave their Standing Rock campsite. A site they occupied for months protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. As usual these radicals left behind their mess for others to clean up. Something that those who observe such protest have grown use to. This time it has been estimated that over 1,000 tons of garbage along with huge quantities of human feces was left as a sacrifice to Mother Earth. But let's not jump to the wrong conclusion. Perhaps these youthful guardians of the planet believed their garbage and sh*t would serve as a fertilizer and provide more grass where the buffalo roam. At any rate construction on the pipeline has resumed and soon the black gold will be flowing along it full length. Oil, that before, had to be trucked or transported in railroad tank cars. Something that is far less environmentally friendly and much more likely to result in a spill. I do however, hope the Standing Rock Sioux were fairly compensated for the land where the pipeline runs. But it is great to see a President who is more concerned about making our nation energy self-sufficient, than one who buckles down to environmental activist who actually know little about the natural world, having spent most of their lives surrounded by their office walls on the 15th floor of some San Francisco high rise.
Help Trump reunite Illegal criminals with their families in Mexico by deporting them
All Americans need to rally around President Trump's effort to reunite illegal alien criminals with their families who live in Mexico. We must return these prodigal sons and daughters to the loving arms of their aging parents. Additionally we should bring pressure on Donald Trump to swing open wide the doors to all federal penal institutions so that these forgotten souls can once more experience the loving embrace of the families they cherish.
Liberal put Circus Clowns out of business, but still flock to see those at CNN
Because of protest from mostly liberal leaning groups the Ringling Brothers Circus will shortly close it's doors forever putting hundreds of clowns out of work. Apparently progressives could not stand seeing the clowns lead around those large pachyderms on those sawdust floors. However, they see absolutely nothing wrong with those clowns over at CNN playing nursemaid to those donkeys (asses) from the Democratic Party.
Anti-Smitic acts across the country are being committed by dedicated Trump Haters
Those in the media would have you believe that most all anti-Semitic acts are committed by supporters of Donald Trump. Of course I'm quite sure some are. But I suspect the vast majority are committed by youthful university indoctrinated Trump haters. Today's university campuses are a breeding ground for the 'hate Israel' movement. You see it raise it's ugly head on the commons of our great schools across the nation. Following the election of Trump, campus radicals saw an opportunity to vent their hate for what they see as the apartheid Jewish state of Israel and blame Trump supporters for these anti-Semitic acts of vandalism. These radicals often equate Jewish leaders such as Benjamin Netanyahu with Adolph Hitler. The truth here is that their are some white supremacy groups around the country who indeed would commit acts such as these, but their numbers are small when compared against radical groups on the left. We have been witness to acts of vandalism by those on the left again and again on the streets following the election of Trump. And there is no reason to believe these haters of Israel walk quietly past the Synagogue or the Jewish cemetery at the midnight hour without using their tools of hate---chalk and spray paint. I feel certain the Trump administration's DOJ in looking into these hate crimes and will soon bring those responsible to justice. Wonder what the media will report when some left-wing campus radical along with his professor is brought before the bar.
We must thank Obama, Hillary and Biden for laying the groundwork for the wall, now Trump can built it
Sometime things have a funny way of working out. Never did Biden, Obama and Hillary believe that the wall they actually laid the ground work for would be built by a New York Billionaire.
Liberals would like you to believe that legendary hero, Robin Hood, robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. But the reality is that Robin robbed from the government and gave back the money to the poor tax-payers. Remember the Sheriff of Nottingham? He was a tax collector.
Gene Huber, No.1 enemy of the Left and Trump Super Fan
At yesterday's Trump rally in Melbourne, Fl the President called a supporter, he had seen earlier on TV to the state. Super Fan Gene Huber was invited to say a few words to the 10,000+ gathered there and the millions who watched on televisions across the nation. Huber will redoubtably pay a price for his for being the new No.1 supporter of the President. Hell, as much hate as the left shows, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he receives death threats and eventually requires police protect. But you know something, I doubt if Gene really cares about the slings and arrows that will come his way. The man is a real patriot. I would venture to say, a flag-waving patriot, who supports his President and his country. As President Trump said when Gene Huber was exiting the stage, "A Star is Born"!
The Progressive "Resistance Movement" burns and loots in predominately Democrat areas
Has anyone else noticed that when members of the so-called Resistance Movement aka anti-Trump protestors destroy private property by setting fires, breaking windows, and looting it is always in mostly Democratic areas. Do they simply want to punish like-minder people or are they actually fearful of going into areas where there might face repercussions for their unlawful acts. In short are they just a bunch of cowards attempting to hide behind the Constitution they so obviously hate. I for one if, wouldn't mind the protest if they remained peaceful and if those protesting would not cover their faces like the Klan members of old. Quite frankly I've had just about enough of these pampered, spoiled, and stupid brats.
Case against former Trump adviser Flynn grows as Russian Vodka and Caviar found at his residence by FBI
In a late night raid, the FBI has recovered 7 cases of Belver Bears Vodka valued at some $7,240 per bottle and 5 cases of Petrossian Royal Ossetra Caviar valued at $3,036 per can at the residence of former Trump national security adviser, Mike Flynn. If is further being reported that Flynn was wined and dined by Vladimir Putin while the former was in Russia and eventually hooked on these expensive Russian delicacies. It is alleged that Putin used Flynn's addiction to obtain top secret military information from the Trump White House. Needless to say, this earth-shattering information was first reported in the New York Times---an unimpeachable source of non-bias news.
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Petrossian Royal Ossetra Cavier |
Liberals claim it's not necessary to vet Muslims because they are not all Terrorist.
I would agree to let some terrorist into America,
provided they are armed
and set loose on the streets of Chicago.
Seems to me, this just might solve two problems.
One would think that liberals with common sense
would be open to that solution.
Oops forgot, Liberals with common sense is an oxymoron.
The Evolution of Masked Democrat Protesters from 1865 to Present
For some reason, Democrats have a long, long history of hiding their faces when they carry out illegal acts. Acts that have included lynchings and murders in the past. And have now evolved to arson, criminal assault, intimidation, and wanton destruction of private property. Actually the masked Democrats of the KKK days were little different than the masked Democrats of the present. The former saw a negro under every rock and the latter sees a privileged cracker around every corner.
Violent College Protesters retreat to their safe spaces as armed Rednecks occupy campus
Since the election of Donald Trump as president, even during the campaign, violence campus radicals have ventured from their safe spaces at our universities, not only to protest against Trump, but far too often physically attack his supporters. More and more their actions seem to be a sign they have embraced violence as a from of protest. Peaceful assembly and protest apparently are a thing of the past with this campus snowflakes. What they do not fully realize is that violence breeds violence and for every action there is often a opposite and sometime unequal reaction. These snowflakes seem to forget that throwing copies of Marx's "Das Kapital" at advancing armies of shotgun packing rednecks is no defense against these tobacco-chewing country boys from the heartland.
Sheer madness of the Unadultered Progressive World
More great memes and cartoons reflecting the sheer unadulterated madness of those idiots living in the great political bubbles of Washington and both the east and west coast. Places where common sense have been smothered by political correctness. Thanks to Liberal Logic for the above. sheer madness of the unadulterated progressive worldaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Did U.S. District Judge sign Death Warrent for Innocent Americans by blocking Trump's Travel Ban?
With each passing day in the continuing struggle over President Trump's travel ban, it is becoming obvious that many in the federal judiciary are more concerned about securing their personal political beliefs than securing the safety of the American people. Should any American die because of the actions of these judges, the people should insist, no demand they be dragged to the public square where they should be stripped naked and driven from the honored position they have disgraced. Or even better, just turn them over to ISIS and let them take their chances there. Because, they have in fact, done that to the people of this nation with their restraining order that fly's in the face of the Constitution and established federal law.
Trump "300" Spoof, Hitler told that Donald won Election
Into each life some rain must fall,
be it Obama, Hillary or even Der Fuhrer!
be it Obama, Hillary or even Der Fuhrer!
Will Trump State Dept. issue visas to citizens of Mexifornia after California Secedes from Union
At this time there are moves in the federal court system attempting to prevent the enforcement of President Trump's executive action to ban travel from certain Middle East countries. That ban, may or may not be upheld. But the one certain, overlooked fact is that it is the State Department that has the final word on who to issue visas to in foreign nations. Should the courts overrule his actions the President would simply issue a directive to the State Department not to issue visas to people from those designated countries in the future. Case closed! But let so go a step farther. What if the California officials in Sacramento declare their independence from the United States and that state was allowed to go it's merry way. What then, when residents of that former state go to the American Embassy in Sacramento to obtain a vista to visit "America the Great". Will Trump's State Department issue such a document to Juan Gonzales or Jesus Lopez? Sometime I just love to speculate!
Democrat Protesters stand against the Trumpian Hordes at the New Thermopylae
Time and time again since the election of Donald Trump we have seen unruly and often violent protesters on the streets and campuses across the nation expressing their displeasure with, what they see as the election of a racist Nazi as president. These youthful rioters and we can rightfully call them that. After all they are the window smashing, car burning mobs roaming the streets and assaulting anyone that dares to display any symbol of the man they see as some kind of neo-nazi such as that most hated red cap with the dreadful "Make America Great Again" logo. These low-lives who for the most part come from and are a product of our great university system. They see themselves as the mighty 300 Spartans who stood at Thermopylae against the onrushing Persian hordes. The truth about these children of academia is something entirely different. They are a drain on the wealth of this great nation for they will continue to suckle on the national tit until such time the country has a leader who will ween these sniffling brats once and for all. And quite frankly they fear President Trump, to be such a person.
UC Berkeley leftest rioters give Breitbart editor, Milo Yiannopoulos a larger platform to speak
Tonight left wing rioters on the University of California at Berkeley campus managed to give Breitbart editor, Milo Yiannopoulus a much wider audience for his talking point. The students ran headlong into the law of unintended consequences. The riot, did prevent Milo from speaking on campus, but at the same time provided him with a much large audience than the mere hundreds who would have heard his on campus speech. It seems the riots were picked up by the major news channels and Milo was given a great deal of air time to discuss his views and condemn the little spoiled brats and give them the scolding they so richly deserved---something they probably never got at home. By silencing his campus speech they managed, in their stupidity, to give him a bigger megaphone. Personally, I hope these campus radicals and their supporters across the nation continue to show their pampered as*es. Because in doing so, they are awakening people to the real threat they are to free speech---leftest, who would attempt to silence opposing voices with any means including violence. Does anyone think it strange that these rioters who call those on the right Nazis, are in fact using the same tactics employed by Hitler's Gestapo! It would be fitting if they wore armbands with the swastika's embroider on them. Because then they could be identified before they set fires and stoned windows.
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