
Progressives see the coming Migrant Caravan as a “Band of Angels”

Liberals see the migrant caravans heading to our southern border as a ‘Band of Angels’ sweeping northward to free their brown-skinned brothers from the oppressive heel of the gringo, and to take back the lands of their ancestors that were stolen by a ‘force of arms’. A ‘force of arms’ that was used by the evil white man again and again around the globe to subdue and ultimately control the black and brown-skinned masses. Yes, guilt-ridden progressives feel they are responsible to correct what they view as historical transgressions of our forefathers. For the moment, progressives will not admit to supporting ’open borders’, but that claim will be exposed for the lie it is. Should this caravan and those that will most certainly follow this ’Band of Angels’ be successful in their march to the North. Unfortunately there is no middle ground here. One side must win and one lose. History has repeatedly shown that. But then how few know history these days other than the revisionist version being taught in our schools today? Perhaps, this may explain why today’s college grad has so little knowledge about the real world-----there is a difference between education and indoctrination! #MAGA


  1. It's their voter base. That's why they want them here. That and Trump doesn't want them here.

    Have a fabulous day, Ron. 😎


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