
Nationalism in the Age of Donald Trump

Sometime it seems quite strange to me that President Trump garners so must hate from the left and their fellow-travelers in the media, just by calling himself, what has become a despised term of progressives, a NATIONALIST!  Apparently, to many on the left, they would love to see the end of the new rising nationalism in this country and those former eastern bloc states in Europe.  They are quite fearful that if this movement is allowed to continue unabated it will sweep away their beloved “Globalism”!  This indeed does seem strange, in that, it was the Neo-Nationalism movement following WWI and WWII that delivered the final death-nail in the coffin of 18th and 19th century colonialism.  This total collapse of colonialism was most noticeable in Africa and Southeast Asia.  While most of the left decry nationalism in the west, they are totally silent when it comes to the emerging nations of the third world.  But as some the on right have noticed, this silence does not extend to the tiny state of Israel.  After all, modern day Israel is viewed by most in the progressive movement as a child of colonialism.  A State, that must not only be condemned but exterminated.  After all, unlike the colored peoples of Southeast Asia and Africa, why would they ever allow transplanted white Europeans to call themselves Nationalist.  That is reserved for those down-trodden states that were victims of colonialism.  Yes, President Trump has dared to call himself a Nationalist.         
Of course, a white man daring to label himself as a nationalist is strictly forbidden by those on the left.  That title is reserved for the black man on those that call themselves Black Nationalist are given a seat of honor at the progressive table.  Somehow, what’s “good for the goose is not always good for the gander”!            


  1. Double standards are a double-edged sword.
    Kismet, 2018


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