
Democrats cringe at mere prospect of Christine Ford testifying under Oath before the Senate

Democrats would have you believe that they are eager to have Dr. Christine Ford  testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  The actual truth is that they are literally trembling in their boots at the meme prospect of her having to face questions she has no answers for.  This is nothing but a ploy by the Democrats to delay the process with the hope they win control of the Senate so the can plunge a dagger into Trump's effort to have another appointee to SCOTUS.  I strongly suspect most Democrats on the committee think Dr. Ford's sketchy recollection of the events of that night almost four decades is deeply suspect, to say the least.  However, in the age of the 'Me-too' movement the public has been conditioned by those in the media to believe the woman and not the man.  Consequently Judge Kavanaugh must be guilty as hell considering the undeniable fact he is a member of the left's most hated enemies----THE WHITE MAN!  

1 comment:

  1. Diane Feinstein is just mad that nobody wants her.


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