

My wife Barbara, our dog Barney and me one weekend at 'Penny Patch'.  A small  share-cropper house on the old place.  Barbara and Barney are gone now as well as the cedar tree in front---the cabin, built in the late 1920's still stands although it was almost a victim of a spring tornado that moved the house several inches on its foundation back around 2001.  I first visited the cabin back in the 1950's as a young boy with my grandmother who lived on the next hill over.  At that time the Lee Jackson family (black share-croppers) occupied it.  Among Lee's family was an old, very old great, great aunt who was a slave before the War Between the States.  Old Aunt Lizza, as we called her told great stories of her childhood and teen years.  I am blessed to have the memories of Barbara, Barney and old Aunt Lizza.  Time is winding down for this old-timer, but soon I hope to see my beloved Barbara and Barney and hear more tales from that old snagged-tooth black woman--Aunt Lizza.
More thoughts about Old Aunt Lizza 


  1. What a bittersweet post, Ron. You are a great blogging buddy. I just want you to know that.

    Have a blessed day. ☺

  2. I've been looking at that photo for years as one of your avatars. It's great to see it larger and with your narrative.

    Well my old friend, are we really that old?

  3. Ah yes, the people we've known and the experiences they've had. Take my father, he spent part of WW2 on a Soviet submarine (as an officer in the US Navy).

  4. And here I thought you were a young whippersnapper! Thank you so much for sharing your life. When did we grow white?


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