
Taking a Knee During Taps at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The scene is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, during taps. 

Anyone who thinks it doesn’t matter how the diamond-encrusted Neanderthals of the NFL behave while the national anthem is performed must not have seen this picture. The rot that started with Colin Kaepernick is spreading fast.  Thanks to Moonbatery

Honestly, if it were left up to me, I would line this guy before a firing squad and say, "ready aim fire".  Of course, I would use blanks.  This escapee from a dung pile would most certainly soil himself.  But would remember the moment for the rest of what I suspect will be a short life.  Disrespect for the flag is bad enough, but disrespect for a fallen hero at his tomb!  What a fricking a$$hole! 
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  1. Mostly this is disrespect for President Trump. These things wouldn't be happening if Hillery was president. I'm ever so grateful she isn't.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Kneeling during TAPS at the tomb of the unknown soldier has absolutely nothing to do with PRESIDENT Trump you idiot.


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