
Trump considering pardon for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Who’s In Trouble For Being Too Tough on Illegals

Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, dubbed “America’s Toughest Sheriff,” was found guilty of contempt of court for continuing traffic stops that reportedly “targeted immigrants” after a court ordered him to cease the activity.He faces up to 6 months in jail, but he may not have to serve his sentence
President Donald Trump stated that he is seriously considering pardoning Arpaio, who he lauded as a tough sheriff who has done a lot of work to crack down on illegal immigration in the state of Arizona.

Trump told Fox News, that he is “seriously considering a pardon for Joe Arpaio” and mentioned that the good sheriff has “done a lot in the fight against illegal immigration.” “I might do it right away, maybe early this week. I am seriously thinking about it.” He then mentioned Arpaio’s work in fighting illegal immigration, which was arguably the most controversial area of his job.    
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1 comment:

  1. The Obama administration went after Sheriff Joe right off the bat. I hope President Trump gives him that pardon.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺


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