
Culture Jihadists Rip Down Confederate Statue

A raging mob of culture jihadists stormed through downtown Durham, North Carolina and toppled a historic statue of a Confederate war soldier. The Islamic Radicals engaged in similar atrocities in Iraq -- turning Iraqi history into piles of rubble. What's next -- will the American culture jihadists target Mount Vernon or the Jefferson Memorial or Stone Mountain in Georgia? It won't be long before the jihadists start burning copies of "Gone With the Wind."  Thanks to Todd Starnes
Without a doubt the members of this mob are of the same mindset of those cowardly draft dodgers and their supporters who spit on Vietnam vets returning home in the 1960's.  I have no use for low-life scum bags who would attempt to rewrite history to conform to what they believe it should be.

Help us save not just Confederate Monuments, but all historical monuments across American that are under attack by the left by clicking HERE!

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