
Democrats in Broward County Florida have proven once again they can’t Count

In case you’ve forgotten, the disputed presidential election of 2000 between Bush and Gore had it’s roots in voter irregularities coming from both Broward and Palm Beach counties in Florida.  Who says lightening doesn’t strike twice in the same place?  This time the election was for U.S. Senator and Governor of the state.  The race for the senate there is between the present Governor Rick Scott and Senator Bill Nelson.  You should note that the voting apparatus in both of these counties is controlled by Democrats.  Democrats who have proven once again, that should the vote exceed 20 they just can’t count.  Heck they run out of fingers and toes.  Either that or they are as crooked as a cross-eyed snake trying to rape the wrong end of a hemp rope on a dark night.  

This election reminds me of the old saying, “It’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes!”

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