
Torches and Pitchforks have found a home in the #MeToo Movement

I see little difference between the old lynch mob who had a short rope and was looking for a tall tree and in the present day #MeToo crowd, who although they have no torches or pitchforks; but rather possess forked tongues capable of spewing any lie to bring down (lynch) those who disagree with them or who they perceive as a threat.  With these new stewards of the progressive left: "innocent until proven guilty" has been tossed aside for "guilty until proven innocent".  And people I hate to say this, but this is what's being taught at our tax-payer supported institutions of lower learning.

Match has been set to fuse.  Time is winding down.  And should those who are trying to subvert the #MeToo movement and the good that it has done, into some weapon of mass destruction in order to gain some kind of political advantage over those they disagree with are in for quite a shocking surprise.  When the honest hard working people of this nation feel they can be found guilty without due process.  A due process, that doesn't exist in most countries.  But something our founders enshrined in our constitution.  Perhaps the greatest right we have as Americans.  When this is threatened, pitchforks and torches will not protect then against the wrath of the angry masses.  They may win this skirmish, but the crowning victory in what has almost become the Second American Civil War will come.  Mere torches and pitchforks will not hold back the forces that will crush them in the end!   #MAGA

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