
Is China Preparing To Unleash Pearl Harbor Attacks On American Forces Throughout Pacific And US Mainland

Some top leaders in the Pentagon are warning that China is preparing to unleash Pearl Harbor attacks on American forces throughout the Pacific and the U.S. mainland.  With truth being the first victim the most catastrophic thing for the American people is their not being told that the only ally they have to prevent a Chinese attack on their nation is Russia.  Instead, they are being continually whipped into fits of anti-Russia hysteria thus cutting them off from the only protection they have left in the world strong enough to counter China.  Apparently the main plan of leaders on the left has always been to break apart the United States into separate nations—and that anyone seeing the chaos and division called America today can see is nearly accomplished—with President Trump being the only person left powerful enough to stop this insanity before all is lost, and only if his citizens rally to his defense to save themselves and their nation from extinction.   Read the complete story here.....

1 comment:

  1. Now you want Eurasia to joing Oceania to war against Eastasia? Don't you know, we've always been at war with Eastasia.


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