American progressives in conjunction with the MeToo Movement are moving closer and closer to that gender neutral paradise envisioned in Huxley's Brave New World. A unisex land free of testosterone and aggressive males of the likes of Judge Kavanaugh. The Middle East Sultans of old, had a way of protecting their women and insuring the children of their many concubines carried on the Royal Lineage. The wise Sultans of yesterday would simply have those males who were permitted in the harem be castrated. Of course, this left the Eunuch with his most prodigious appendage (for like of a better word his pecker)!
Today's progressives would rectify that obvious Sultan's mistake. And as late nite host, Jimmy Kimmel recently recommended cut the offending appendage off! After all in this modern age of clinical egg fertilization who in the hell needs such a weapon of mass destruction. Seemingly, Democrats apparently believe that in the world of the MeToo'ers the male penis is obsolete and should go the way of the 'Horse and Buggy'. So the cry from the right is, "cut the damn things off, but leave my junk alone"!
Sometimes I think that there's no intelligent life on this planet. Certainly nobody in gov't