
Senate Democrats demand SCOTUS nominee not be unduly influenced by Constitution

In a last ditch effort to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from confirmation to the nation's highest court, Senate Democrats demand Supreme Court nominee not be unduly influenced by the U.S. Constitution.  With some Democrats pointing out that without a constitution the nation would not have been subjected to the Civil War (most costly in this country's history).  Furthermore they contend the election process in this country would not be burdened with the grossly undemocratic Electoral College, and that most terrible of all constitutional guarantees "Freedom of Speech"!  Senate Democrats insist that all speech be defined, and that which is determined to be hate speech or speech offensive to anyone be banned.  And let us not forget the 2nd Amendment and guns.  In fact they would just shred the old dated document. 


  1. They are the biggest bunch of sore losers I've ever seen. They should be ashamed.

    Have a fabulous day, Ron. ☺

  2. The Government and the courts already don't pay attention to the Constitution even though the individuals in them swore otherwise.


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