
Don't take your kids to the Zoo to see the "Monkeys". It's Primates you dumb racist Trump supporter!!!

Yesterday, the Republican candidate for governor in Florida (Don DeSantis) dared to say, "The last thing we need to do is monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state" when speaking of his Afro-American Democrat nominee for governor.  Immediately DeSantis was accused of being a racist for using the 'monkey' term.  I suppose from now on we need to tell our kids we're taking them to the zoo not to see the monkeys, but the primates less they see a black person there.  

I suppose if those boys (oops another offensive word) from England had been dark skinned they would never have called themselves "The Monkees".  'Hey Hey We're the Primates'.

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