
According to Liberals if you want a Border Wall, you are a "Nazi Child Torturer".

For the moment, just for the moment, Democrats and their fellow travelers in the press have tossed aside the race card and replaced it with the 'Nazi' card.  Seems like every reference they have to the border situation is now tinged with Republicans and certainly President Trump being called Nazis.  Some of their comments are quite underhanded  like those of MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' Joe Scarborough's reference to children being lead to 'showers', reminiscence of the fake showers in the Nazi death camps in WWII that lured unsuspecting Jews to their death in disguised gas chambers.  While of the other hand others don't even attempt to hide their utter contempt for the president, by outright calling him and those who support his policies Nazis.  Yes, now it's no longer 'racist' but Nazis that are stuck in the mouth of progressives.  Guess they can handle only one word at a time!    

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