
Classic Book 'To Kill A Mockingbird' banned

A Mississippi school district has finally killed the mockingbird for good. Based on complaints from some parents in the Biloxi School District, the book has been removed from the curriculum, because it “makes people uncomfortable,” notably because it contains the “N” word, among other reasons. 

To Kill a Mockingbird is the magnum opus of author Harper Lee and has been in school curriculums nationwide since it was written in 1960. Lee passed away in 2016 at the age of 89. The lesson of the book is one that affirms we are all equally valuable no matter our race and that we all deserve a fair shot at life and at justice. This fact seems to have escaped the complainers, who, based simply on the the book’s intentional and contextual language, have decided it’s not worth reading. Their ignorance and shortsightedness is astounding in its depth and tragic in its effects. Now, these students in this district will not have the benefit of the excellent lesson in humanity, that this book has taught generations. One wonders if the complainers have actually read the book, or just thumbed through, found some ugly language and dismissed it.  Read more.....
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