
College Students demand 'Banana Free Zone' following Racist Banana Peel incident on campus

Banana peels are the new burning cross on your lawn! The KKK doesn’t have to firebomb your house anymore to spread terror, they can just huck banana peels into the treetops. At least that’s the new thinking at Ole Miss. The University of Mississippi is in a panic after an off-campus Greek life retreat event was cut short when three black students found a banana peel in a tree in front of one of the cabins they were staying at. Some students were described as having been “hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred at [the retreat].

So now when these students see a wayward banana peel, they immediately jump to RACISM! instead of looking at their feet to make sure there aren’t any more obstacles left by the banana bandit who has been injuring the good people of Mississippi since the 50s. One students, the president of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, was unsettled by the next day’s option of bananas for breakfast at the retreat. “The overall tone was heavy,” said Makala McNeil. “I mean, we were talking about race in Mississippi, at the University of Mississippi and in the Greek community, so there’s a lot involved.” This isn’t the first time Ole Miss has been losing their minds over perceived racism. Back in 2014 we reported on the school’s nickname “Ole Miss” being super racist! These students are going to implode when they reach the real world, and the real world (okay, Twitter) is already having a laugh at them.  Thanks to Right Wing News
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1 comment:

  1. If the banana was not ripe but green, as a Martian I would take that as a macroagression.


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