
Rachel Maddow's" long lost twin brother found

The search for Rachel Maddow's long lost twin brother has ended.  The two were mysteriously separated at birth by what some have called a 'vast right wing conspiracy'.  Frankie Maddow was found in the basement of a fanatical climate denying mad scientist living at a remote location in the Arizona desert.  Apparently, the scientist, who was but a young man at time the two were born,  abducted Frankie from the hospital, where he was about to be euthanized.  It seems that both of the twins had suffered from serious deformities, including only minuscule amounts of 'grey matter' in the cranial cavity.......    
Image from Moonbattery
I could continue with this satirical look at  MSNBC host, Rachel Maddow, but I seriously doubt that would in anyway contribute to her recovery.   Also, I'm tired of looking at the above image.  Especially the one on the left---and I mean far, far left!

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