
Private Prison Demands Small Town Give It 300 More Prisoners Or It Will Close Down

A small community in New Mexico is learning firsthand the consequences of relying on corporate industry to fuel your economy. In the case of Torrance County, it’s the private prison industry. From a July 25 article by the Santa Fe New Mexican:

“The company that has operated a private prison in Estancia for nearly three decades has announced it will close the Torrance County Detention Facility and lay off more than 200 employees unless it can find 300 state or federal inmates to fill empty beds within the next 60 days, according to a statement issued Tuesday by county officials.”  Read more.....
ICE could easily solve this under-populated prison problem, by just raiding one 'single family' dwelling unit in South Central L.A.

1 comment:

  1. You can fill it with Clintons, Obamas, Lynchs, and Muellers. Hold that, then it would be a toxic waste site.


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