
LA Times: These Antifa Folks Are Thugs, Not Activists

The editorial board of the LA Times has apparently had enough, particularly because so many journalists and news photographers have been assaulted. And, though they do not mention that all these Antifa, Black Bloc, etc folks are Democratic Party voters, they seem a bit concerned that they will make the Democratic Party look bad, eventually 

Editorial: Violent demonstrators in Berkeley are thugs, not activists 

There can be no justification for the violence perpetrated on Sunday by a group of leftist protesters who attacked supporters of President Trump and others Sunday during an otherwise peaceful “rally against hate” in Berkeley. 

Whether they are described as “black bloc” or anarchists — the nomenclature isn’t important — the masked, black-clad protesters are criminals, not the vanguard of a righteous resistance to fascism. They also are traitors to the thousands of peaceful demonstrators who gathered in Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Park to counter a “No to Marxism in America” rally — a non-event that drew a relatively small contingent of right-wingers after its organizer, fearing violence, had urged supporters to stay home.  

This is thuggery, not activism. And it has become too familiar a phenomenon in Berkeley, belying its reputation as a citadel of free speech. In February, for example, 150 black-clad agitators caused $100,000 worth of damage when they smashed through the city protesting a planned UC Berkeley speech by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos. The speech was canceled.  Read more.....Help us save not just Confederate Monuments, but all historical monuments across American that are under attack by the left by clicking HERE!


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