
Hillary Clinton “Turns To God”

If anyone thought that the madness overtaking America due to President Donald Trump’s election couldn’t possibly get any more bizarre, they’d be grossly mistaken as a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin states that Hillary Clinton is now turning to God” and contemplating becoming a preacher as reports surface that the US Department of Justice has offered her a plea deal, while at the same time her “death list” continues to grow—the latest death being a black male prostitute turning up dead at the home of one of her top white Democratic Party donors.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, as a past “communicator with the dead, most spectacularly with Eleanor Roosevelt (the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt) that her husband, President Bill Clinton, famously admitted to her doing in 2012, and her association with her 2016 US presidential campaign chairman John Podesta who practices the Satanic ritual known as “Spirit Cooking” that involves the drinking of human breast milk, blood and sperm, Hillary Clinton’s stating this past week that “she wants to preach and become an ordained Methodist minister” took MoFA analysts by surprise.

However, rather than these MoFA analysts truly believing that Hillary Clinton was “turning to God”, this report notes, they, instead, state that her actions are more than likely due to a “cannon ball of shame” about to fall upon her as both the Trump administration and a US Federal Court dealt her two stunning blows this past week.
In the first blow felt by Hillary Clinton, this report details, US District Court Judge Amit Mehta ruled this week that the State Department had not done enough to try to track down messages she may have sent about the assault on the US diplomatic compound in Libya on 11 September 2012 — an attack that killed four Americans, including the US ambassador to Libya, and known as the “Benghazi Scandal Cover-up”—and without the Obama regime to protect her, the new Trump administration will fully comply letting the full and horrible truth be finally told to the American people by complying with this order and their releasing the emails kept hidden up to now.   Read more....

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