
American Today: “It HAS Come To Blood”

I would like to tell you that madmen such as this who actually planned for nuclear Armageddon are no longer among us, but I can’t—because the same exact “forces” that were planning this atrocity against humanity  back then, are still at it!
The most astounding evidence of this are the now hourly propaganda attacks against President Trump who is attempting feverishly to stop World War III—with these war propagandists falsely proclaiming that he’s under criminal investigation when nothing could be further from the truth.
And here’s the TRUTH you’re not being told: 
In the aftermath of the early 1970’s “Watergate Scandal” that forced the resignation of President Richard Nixon, the US Supreme Court, the US Department of Justice, and nearly every top legal scholar in America, complied one of the most extensive legal documents every created to answer one question, “could a sitting US president be indicted for a crime?”—and here’s what they concluded: 
The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.”
Not just can’t a sitting US president be indicted for a crime, he can’t even be investigated either—leading any logical person to wonder what exactly is going on then.
Well, the answer to that is as simple to understand now as it’s been all throughout history—“The first casualty of war is truth”.    READ MORE.....

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