
Lawyers Push to Establish Personhood Rights for Chimpanzees

One step at a time. Before we can grant full human rights to lobsters, the more mature barking moonbats realize that courts must come to accept personhood rights for chimpanzees: 

On Thursday, [animal lawyer Steve] Wise — who founded the Nonhuman Rights Project on behalf of the great apes, cetaceans and elephants — will go before the appellate division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in Manhattan and argue that two of his clients, chimpanzees Kiko and Tommy, should be afforded the rights of “personhood.” … 

Wise is hoping to prove in the eyes of the court that chimpanzees and other great apes aren’t “things” but rather are autonomous beings that possess consciousness and deserve to live their lives to the fullest possible extent of that autonomy. 

… Despite representing the primates for the better part of four years, checking on their condition is a frustrating subject for the staff at Nonhuman Rights Project. 

“We see them as clients of ours, but we can’t get a jail house visit or help them exercise a Sixth Amendment right,” said Kevin Schneider, executive director of Nonhuman Right Project. A Sixth Amendment right. Did I mention that we are talking about chimpanzees? 

One of the chimpanzees is owned by a Florida farmer. The other lives at the Primate Sanctuary in Niagara Falls, New York.  Read more.....


  1. Sandee read and is now leaving Ron's place scratching her head.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I will know that things are out of control when Congress critters are elevated to intelligent life status.


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