
Just released image reveals Trump's Deviant Sexual Behavior

 NBC has just released a recently uncovered image of a young Donald Trump sexually assaulting a young female.  Everyone should be shocked at the deviant chauvinistic behavior displayed by Trump.  Acts such as this must not be tolerated and should be condemned by all, even those  heterosexual males who see their number shrinking as more and more males are joining both the transgender and homosexual community.  There must soon come a time when "straight" male activities such as drooling over the female form and football are banned.   Of course, the above image is not that of Donald Trump and is only used used in this satirical piece to point out the massive hysteria sweeping the nation.  A hysteria where mere accusations of sexual misbehavior over-shadow the real world problems of life and death.  But then we do live in a world where "sex" dominates the headlines and more people view porn than the news.  Perhaps in the next election season we should nominate the man with the biggest "johnson" or the woman with the most bodacious  tata's and be done with it!  After all the Oval Office already bears the stain that can never be removed, not even by BleachBit, from the husband of the woman who now seeks that office.  What the hell, the new President should select top porn stars for his cabinet and ambassadorships and satisfy the country's sexual needs!    

1 comment:

  1. They will do anything to discredit Trump. Anything. I can't stand Killery.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺


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