
African Hornbill, smarter than Democrats. Build wall to protect it's own

Does anyone think it strange that while progressives point out the wonders of the animal kingdom, they seemed to have learned nothing from it.  Take the great African Hornbill, a pair mates and then find a hollow tree.  The females goes inside and then the male builds a wall around the entrance leaving only a small opening to feed the female and the young when they hatch.  The protective wall is only removed when the young inside have matured well enough to care for themselves.  Of course those on the left have failed to learn this simple lesson of nature.   And instead of building a wall to protect our own, will instead construct legal walls around so-called sanctuary cities to protect the interlopers therein.  So in reality the left is not against walls, but instead build them to protect sneaky predators who have found their way into the nest!  The progressive left instead of protecting the natural order of things, are in effect tossing the baby seal to the Orca! 

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