
Hillary Clinton supporters just pushing their stinking candidate toward a place already filled with Crap

For those of you who have never spent much time in the great outdoors or on a farm.  The above image is that of  a Scarabaeoida, commonly known as the dung beetle or tumble-bug.  The adult female of the species spends her entire life collecting sh*t from those animals kind enough to leave a deposit in her neighborhood.  She then gathers up the crap molding it into a small ball which she slowly pushes to it's future home---a small burrow in the ground that she has carefully hollowed out to accept the special cargo.  She then lays her eggs on this stinking ball.  And when they hatch, the voracious offspring gorge themselves until such a time that they too can repeat the cycle.
There is a somewhat obscure message here.  But I will leave it up to the reader to decipher.  Tried to give you a little help with the above meme.  Hint:  Hillary Clinton is not the Dung Beetle, but the pile of crap being pushed on the public by the media and those lower information voters who think this amazing ball smells like french perfume.    


  1. Yep, this is spot on. Spot on.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Can't be the beetle. What the beetle does is too much like honest work.

  3. Yep, great metaphor. What Hillary is pushing stinks to high heaven.


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