
Trump protector of law and order, Hillary protector of Criminals and Thugs

The election of 2016 presents Americans with a clear choice.  On one hand their is Hillary Clinton who calls for police to be disarmed when it comes to tactical weapons.  Remember following the events in Ferguson when both Obama and Hillary placed the blame for the riots squarely on police.  Police they claimed that displayed too much force when confronting the thugs that would loot and burn businesses.  Hillary called for the federal government to demand that police departments across the nation return surplus military weaponry they had been provided.  Of course, Barack and Hillary did not stop there.  They both continued to paint police in this country as racist determined to keep the poor law abiding black man in his place.  Thus placing a target squarely on the back of officers for those groups only too eager to kill as many policemen as possible.  The Hillary madness didn't stop there.  Democrats are now calling for a review of the nations criminal codes with an eye toward giving convicted thugs less jail time, so they can quickly return to the streets and kill, loot, rob and rape again.  After all, as Hillary and Democrats claim---blacks in this country who break the law are not really criminals, but only victims of America's racist past.  
Donald Trump, on the other hand believes the police who enforce the law are that thin blue line that protects us from chaos and a complete collapse of law and order.  Sadly it appears that Hillary and the Democrats are pandering to what they see as the most important part of their base when they side with thugs and anarchist in the streets against the forces of law and order.  It would appear this election is a struggle between two divergent groups----those that support Law and Order and those that would trample existing laws (just look at Crooked Hillary) and push Police over the cliff!!  

1 comment:

  1. She's pandering for the black vote right now. She's so hated by so many though. She has to do something.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺


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