
Obama playing Russian Roulette with American Lives by not Vetting Syrian Refugees

There is little doubt that president Obama cares little about the average American in the street.  After all he is steadily importing large numbers of Syrian refugees.  Refugees, whose names and locations are not reported to local authorities.  Syrian refugees, we know little or nothing about because of the ongoing conflict in that battered nation where the vast majority of records have been destroyed due to the war.  Obama's former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton if elected would even increase the numbers of unvetted immigrants should she be elected president.  Even tho ISIS has shown it's ability to infiltrate those hundreds of thousands fleeing the war torn country both Obama and Hillary seem hellbent to allow thousands of these potential terrorist into this country.  Obama is playing Russian Roulette, but the gun never goes to his head, but only to the heads of ordinary Americans.  He is gambling that one of these newly arrived aliens is not some stealth terrorist who will go on a bloody rampage before he leaves office this January.  He is aware of the dangers posed by the thousands of Syrians allowed in to this nation, but frankly he doesn't seem to give a damn.   
By Ron Russell 


  1. It makes no sense to welcome people that hate all things Western. They will never assimilate. Never.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

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