
Delta Smelt on Brink of extinction due to secret Smelt canneries in High Sierria's

Apparently the farmers in California have had enough when it comes to the tiny Delta Smelt---a fish put on the endangered species list because of actions by environmental activist groups.  As a result, the state of California has diverted millions of gallons of water from the farms in the Central Valley resulting in the closing of hundreds of farms and bringing the unemployment rate to the highest level not seen since the days of the Great Depression.  But now the farmers are fighting back.  It has been reported that at several locations somewhere in the foothills of the High Sierra's secret canning factories have been established for the sole purpose of containing the spread of this minnow-like pest and confining it to tin cans.  One farmer was heard to say, "hell it's them or us, after all the government in Washington was trying to can us!  We just got to them first"!  

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