
The Gold-plated Hook of Socialism

In the recent election in Iowa it was noted that a self-admitted Socialist, Bernie Sanders,  got some 90% of the vote coming from university campuses.  The only two things that might explain this astounding outcome was that Bernie promised to have the government pay off the ten of thousands of dollars of debt that these brilliant  young voters had accumulated during their extended vacation years at the campus playground.  Or perhaps, just perhaps this was due to the influence of their of Woodstock generation Professors who not only failed to warn them of the past failures of Socialism, but actively promoted it!  It appears that today's college students are like the "Post Turtle" with no understanding of how they got to the place where they find themselves.  They live in that land of academia where their professors make $100,000 for teaching one or two classes per week and wonder why tuition is so high.  They graduate and are given diploma.  A diploma, that in many cases, is virtually worthless despite it's inflated cost to both tax-payers and students.  In short, these students eagerly turn to demigods like Bernie Sanders to bail them out; just as the German people in the 1930's turned to Hitler and more recently the people of Venezuela to Hugo Chavez.  Yes, campus idiots have again taken the bait offered to them on that gold-plated hook of Socialism!  
By Ron Russell

1 comment:

  1. Free stuff. It's all good as long as there is money. When it runs out then it's Greece all over again.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺


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