
Mein Fuhrer

Image shamefully stolen from Seaspook


Obama's Helper - The Kenyan Dung Beetle

aka Kenyan Dung Beetle

Helping Obama push his shit!


Health Care

Health Care
Government Health Care
Obama Health Care
Bad Health Care

Call it what you like it still stinks.



We all know he can walk on water
And with those ears he can fly!


Hi There Cutie!

Barry at His Best!
image from Stop Obama


Obama Sucks

Obama Sucks
A simple message that says it all!


Gun Control is Racist

Figure this one out
You Racist Progressives!

Abortion Obama Style

Tax Payers Get Ready
To Shell Out Your Money
To Kill the Unborn!
This is ObamaCare!


Stupid Obama

He Hates The America
Of Our Founders!

That's Stupid!!!



Elite Snob!!!
Obama clings to this ACORN and
to his copy of "Life of Karl Marx"



Obama is Funny and a Joke!

Obama is Funny
But not very Smart!


Obama is Pussywhipped

Obama the Great
Floor Scrubber!!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! and one more Ha!
Not wonder he's always talking about cleaning up messes!!!!


Obama-Il Duce

That Uniform is a
Good Fit!!!!!!
Image from Right Wing Rebel


Miss Me Yet!

Miss Me Yet!
You Bet!!
Anything is better than this America Hater
We have in office now!
He is a real jerk!!!


Obama's World

Obama's World
He as crooked as his teachers in old Chicago!

Obama's Personal Car

Obama's Car
Looks about right!


Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat!
This guy is really scarry!

Image from The Right Look


Self Portrait

Obama Self-Portrait
I would have never guessed!
Above image from The Right Look


Obama's Bill of Rights

Obama's Bill of Rights
Now this is change!
Change you won't like sucker!


Obama is Weak

Obama is a Weak Pussy!
Many stupid voters got us to this point!

Obama Reid Pelosi

The Three Stooges
These three are a big, big joke!!!!

Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber
What a pair and we are stuck with them
For three more years!


Obama's War

Obama's War
War really is hell Barry
What will you do?
What do the polls say?
What do the generals say?
What will make America safe?

Israeli Defense Forces

Israeli Defense Forces
Women in the IDF
We don't need Obama!!!!


Puppet on a String

Puppet Masters
Obama dances to another tune!
What a jerk!


Obama's Fascist World

Obama's Fascist World
What Obama Really Wants!


Government Motors

Obama's Government Motors
The Unions are cheering
But the taxpayers will pick up the tab for union greed!


Obama in Burka

Seeking to Hide
His True Colors!!!!!


Obama's Blame Game

Obama's Blame Game
Bush did it! Bush did it! Bush did it!
Let me say that once more: Bush did it!


Obama Sucks

Obama Sucks
Yep, Obama really is a sucker for Progressive Ignorance!


Pecker Peppers

Pecker Peppers
These are actual peppers from a garden.

They are called 'Peter Pecker Peppers'..
By the way, the farmer says they can grow up to 18" long!
Sort of brings tears to your eyes, doesn't it!

Sorry, couldn't fit Obama into this one!

However, bet they would really sale in San Francisco!!

Obama and Uncle Sam

Killing Uncle Sam
These damn buzzards are trying to destroy
The America we Love!!!!


S.H.I.T. vs P.E.T.A.

Just couldn't help myself and had to re-post this post of a few weeks ago. I have however, added an additional paragraph at the end of this post.
A recent study done at the prestigious Sam Houston Institution of Technology better know as S.H.I.T. has found that flagellant emissions by Vegan's was three times higher than that of people who have a mixed diet of meat and vegetables. The extensive study was conducted over a five year period and included the participation of some 5,000 volunteers divided evenly between meat-eaters and non-meat eaters. Some environmentalist groups and P.E.T.A. located in San Francisco are already questioning the legitimacy of this report claiming that S.H.I.T. has large endowments from wealthy cattle ranchers, adding this report does not pass the smell test. Additionally, F.A.R.T. the Federal Association of Retired Tomato-growers has condemned the report. However, members of the Board of Regents at S.H.I.T. are standing by the results. Furthermore they are now claiming that by eating meat people are, in fact, cutting down on green house gas emissions countering the argument by environmental groups that livestock are contributing to global warming and therefore should be taxed accordingly. Scientist at S.H.I.T. point out a well know fact to back up their findings, "Bean-eaters fart more than Big Mac eaters".

Meanwhile inside sources at the White House indicate many of the staff are in disarray over the contents of this reports with some staffers and interns calling for a separate eating areas for the Vegans in the cafeteria and a designated Vegan break areas outside. As usually the President hasn't yet taken a position on these rapidly developing events. The situation on Capital Hill is about the same with some meat-eating Senators demanding Vegans be excluded from certain "closed door hearings". Things appear to be spinning out of control as both sides harden their positions. A few of the meat-eating Senators are now calling for a special tax to be levied on all beans sold in the country to buy carbon credits. The senior senator from Texas is planning to introduce a bill calling for a nationwide ban on Vegans in all public eating places, and in all closed places where large crowd gather. Again the President's position is unclear on this fast moving story. Outside the White House protesters from both sides are gathering with those on the Vegan side hurling unseen missiles at the meat-eaters! Capital police with gas masks have be observed arresting some of the Veegans and hauling them off in Hazmat vehicles. As this situation unfolds trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange has been wild with cattle futures soaring while bean futures are tumbling with most other commodities remaining stable. Meanwhile the man on the street was saying these stinking politicians have finally been exposed and he was grateful to S.H.I.T.
Although President Obama's public position remains neutral some White House correspondences report overhearing some muffled remarks yesterday as the president left the safety of the Oval Office. The meaning of these unguarded remarks is yet to be aired.
by Ron Russell

We all seek to protect the environment and we all know the sometime violent effect of "bean-eating". I recall my frequent trips to Mexico and was warned by many seasoned travelers not to strike a match in restaurants as the act could be inflammatory. Many who favor massive immigration are also in the radical environmental movement and I would have these few words for them, "control greenhouse emissions by limiting the numbers of "bean-eaters" entering the country.


Obama's Bottomless Pit

Obama's Bottomless Pit
Wish he would just jump off!!!

He's already thrown us off!!



Dumb and Dumber
Who is the Dumber?

Beer Summit

Beer Summit
A beer solves all the problems
The professor is great!
The Cop is great!
And Obama, all you libs know he is the greatest!


Sarah Palin: The New Sheriff

Go Sarah Go!!!!
Are you ready for a new Sheriff in Town!!
Bring it on Barry, Lets see what you've got!!!!!!

Obama Health Care

Send Him to the Death Panels
Government Health Care
Will mean the end of Barack!!!


Obama and Flag

Obama-Michelle and the Flag
Now he wears the flag
For all Americans to see!
Many are fooled, but some are not!


Universal Health Care

Universal Health Care
Pie-in-the-Sky Dream
Just a new version of a "Chicken in Every Pot".


Horse Sense

Horse Sense and Common Sense
If its looks like Shi...t
And smells like Shi...t
Then it is Shi...t!!!

Cartoon from Hope N Change


Obama and That Girl!

Who is that Girl?
Oh! It Chrissy Matthews!
The Malt Liquor gets Them every Time!


The Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper
Is this the real face of Death
in America's Future?


Obama Will Stick it to You!!

Obama Will Stick It To You
One Shot of Obama is Enough!!

Are You Ready for This?

Obama the Joker

Obama the Joker
Obama is fast becoming a joke!!!

Obama & Jimmy Carter

Two Peas in a Pod!
Jimmy and Barry
You get what you voted for!
One grew peanuts!
The other planted ACORNs


Obama & Rev. Wright

Obama & Rev. Wright
Why doesn't Obama go to church anymore?
He can't find another Rev. Wright!