
Two-faced Obama

The Two Faces of Barack

This man, the two faced snake-oil salesman
Talk out of both sides of his mouth.
Windmills for us and Nuclear power for Iran
Economic strangulation for us
Economic boom for Iran
See anything wrong with this picture!!

Obama - No to Friends Yes to Enemies!

Obama Likes America's Enemies
Obama Hates America's Friends

This is the change he promised.
This is Obama's new world.
This is the world of the Hate America Crowd.
This is the world of Rev. Wright.
This is the world of Barack and Michelle
This is a Utopian Dreamscape!

Obama's Past - Questions Remain!

Obama's Birth Certificate
Where are the records?
Where is the complete birth certificate?
Where are the school records?
What is the big secret Barack?
Level with the American People.
Where is the transparency you promised?
Obama if you are not a fraud prove it.


Obama and Napoleon

Obama on his High-Horse
This is the closest Obama has ever been
to being on a real Horse.
His is no Napoleon!

This cartoon from Rob Smith jr.,
Editorial Cartoonist for the Glen Beck program.
More of his work can be seen at Rob Smith Jr..


Obama Oversees Doctors

Obama-The New "Overseer"
A return to Plantation Days
With Barack Obama the New Plantation Overseer

Obama is No Friend to Israel

Obama Says no to Israel!
No to Israel and Yes to the Arabs
And Obama you are no JFK!


"We Don't Need No Stinking Constitution"

"We Don't Need No Stinking Constitution"


Obama's Exit Plan

Obama's Exit Plan
This cartoon from Rob Smith jr.,
Editorial Cartoonist for the Glen Beck program.
More of his work can be seen at Rob Smith Jr..
Obama Cartoons is happy to announce that Rob's Cartoons
Will be a weekly feature here.


Voodoo Medicine Man

Who's Behind this Mask!

You guessed Right!
Barack Hussein Obama!


Obama's Health Care Reform!!

Yep, He Reaching for Your Wallet
Nothing New about Obama
It will only Coat you More
For Less

Obama Loves Giving Your Money Away!!

Obama's Socialism
He loves to give away and spend
Your Money!!


Sotomayor is Empathetic

Justice is Dead.Long Live Empathy!!


Obama's Carterism's

Obama and Carter: Peas in a Pod
These two liberals think alike, act alike;

but one is from Georgia and the other well......


My What Big Ears You Have!!!

Above image from Saber Point

Ears of A Feather
These two have a lot in common!!


Michelle Obama Burns American Flag

This is the True Michelle
She is the power behind the man!!

Above image from The Big Feed