

Representatives many Democrats are now proposing govFollowing their successful conquest of the U.S. House of ernment jobs for all that would pay $12 - $15 per hour.  The new jobs would come with medical and retirement benefits that would surpass those in the private sector.  And to assure the longevity of these new swamp creatures the jobs would include such task as stacking greased BB’s and searching for the rainbow’s end.  Of course funding for this trillion dollar plus program would necessitate raising the taxes of over 50% of all Americans.   This plan will certainly work, just as long the pockets of the rich are bulging or until that time when the millions of bottom swamp feeders realize those above them in the food chain are living higher on the hog than they are.  These Democrats would make American great again by turning it into a Venezuelan-like sh*thole.    Can you imagine that time, in the not so distant future, when migrants from the USA will march toward Central America in search of a better life?  #MAGA 

1 comment:

  1. They already have this. They are gov't paycheck collectors GS10 and above.Most of the oehter fit the description also.


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